Using Internet Registrations (portal leads) & inbuilt reports

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When a portal lead enquiry is sent from a website, such as Rightmove, it is held in the Internet Registrations screen in AgencyCloud - this screen allows you to view enquiry details then either add them as an applicant/property, mark them as a duplicate or reject them

When adding a new applicant/property record, details are taken from the original enquiry and automatically added to your database

A selection of reports are also available to assist in overseeing where enquiries originate and what actions have been taken - an MI dashboard is also available for portal leads, click here for more information:
Portal Analysis MI dashboard

Once set-up and configured by Reapit support, Internet Registrations are accessed via the Organiser

1. Organiser

Internet Registrations are usually displayed within the Overview or To-do panel on the Organiser

  • Click Internet Registrations
    The list will be displayed (as shown on right)

  • Hover over panel header and click to Pop out into full results
    Or right-click over Internet Registrations and select Full results

  • Internet Registrations will be shown as seen in step 2


2. Internet Registrations screen

  • The enquiries displayed have been sent to the office and can usually be viewed by all members of that office
    A user may be set-up to only see leads that have been assigned to them - click here for more information: Assign & manage internet registrations (portal leads)

  • Use the Sales, Lettings, Applicants & Valuations tick boxes (top left) to filter the information shown in the screen - these settings will be stored for your login

2a. Tips on using the Internet Registrations screen

  • Entries are grouped by default, this can be disabled by unticking Grouping (top left), entries are grouped by:

    • position (applicant/valuation)

    • type (sales/lettings)

    • e-mail (or if no e-mail address present, grouping is done by name)

  • If duplicates are found, these are noted in the Duplicates column

  • Click the column headings to sort the information
    For example, click the Source column to sort by website or click to the right of the column heading for options to group or filter

  • Refresh (top right) can be used to ensure that the latest enquiries are shown - useful if the screen has been open for some time

You may be able to assign leads or have had leads assigned to you - click here for more information: Assign & manage internet registrations (portal leads)

3. Adding an applicant/valuation request

From the Internet Registrations screen:

  • Select the relevant enquiry and click Add 
    The search screen is displayed with the email address and/or number of the lead in the search fields

  • Click Search
    If the applicant is already on the system, the record will be launched automatically

  • If no results are found, click Yes to add new - a new record is displayed

    • Information is taken from the original enquiry and added to the appropriate fields - this should be checked and edited as needed

    • When adding an applicant, the option to match the applicant to the property they enquired about will be offered - this logs the property in the applicant journal as a hand-match

4. Rejecting an enquiry

If a request cannot be added (for example, if a valuation request is out of area):

  • Select the request then click Reject by E-mail
    The enquiry is removed from the Internet Registrations screen and a new email message addressed to the requestor is created; the email contains default text which can be edited

Where a request can be identified as spam (i.e. unsolicited bulk email):

  • Select the request then click Spam
    All instances of this email will be removed from the Internet Registrations screen

5. Reports

Various reports providing an overview of enquiry origin and their outcome are available - the reports provide financial value against leads generated by both the company website and portals in use and give the ability to compare value to volume while providing a clear view on the return on marketing investment being achieved

From the Internet Registrations screen:

  • Click Reports (top right)


The following reports are available via the Reports button (top right) of the Internet Registrations screen:

Valuation Analysis

This report outlines, by website/portal, which valuation enquiries produced leads and what happened to those leads, while highlighting which valuations led to an instruction then a sale plus the value of those leads in monetary terms

  • Click Reports and select Valuation Analysis

  • Enter the date range to report on and the office(s) to include (or leave blank for all)

  • Click Report

PivotTable tab

  • Source - portal the valuation enquiry came via

  • Property Status - current status of the property in the database

  • Status

    • Added - details of properties that were added to the database as a result of receiving the Internet Registration enquiry

    • Count - number of properties added

    • Property Price - current price of these properties

  • Status

    • Already in.. details of properties where an Internet Registration enquiry was received but a record for that property was already in the database

    • Count - number of properties already on database

    • Property Price - current price of these properties

  • Total Count - total count of properties with the Status of Added and Already in...(outlined above)

  • Total Sum of Property Price - total sum of property price for properties with the Status of Added and Already in... (outlined above)

Sheet1 (data) tab

  • The data shown on Sheet1 is used to create the PivotTable (outlined above)

  • Sort & Filter features are useful for manipulating this data

Application Registration Analysis

This report outlines, by website/portal, which applicant enquiries produced leads and what happened to those leads, while highlighting which applicants went on to buy/let plus the value of those leads in monetary terms

  • Click Reports and select Applicant Registration Analysis

  • Enter the date range to report on and the office(s) to include (or leave blank for all)

  • Click Report

PivotTable tab

  • Source - portal the applicant enquiry came via

  • Applicant Status - current status of the applicant in the database

  • Status

    • Added - details of applicants that were added to the database as a result of receiving the Internet Registration enquiry

    • Already in.. details of applicants where an Internet Registration enquiry was received but a record for them was already in the database

    • Unprocessed - enquiries received as an Internet Registration but no action has been taken yet

  • Grand Total - total sum of Internet Registration enquiries for applicants with the Status of Added, Already in... and Unprocessed (outlined above)

Sheet1 (data) tab

  • The data shown on Sheet1 is used to create the PivotTable (outlined above)

  • Sort & Filter features are useful for manipulating this data

Registrations by Portal & Office

The report opens in Microsoft Excel and is displayed in a pivot table, as shown below
The information is also displayed as a list - click the other tab at the bottom of the worksheet to display

  • Click Reports and select Registrations by Portal & Office

  • Enter the date range to report on and the office(s) to include (or leave blank for all)

  • Click Report

Graph of Registrations over Time

This graph shows the number of enquiries received by each website (portal) and plots them on a daily graph

  • Click Reports and select Graph of Registrations Over Time

  • Enter the date range to report on and the office(s) to include (or leave blank for all)

  • Click Report

Notes on Microsoft Excel PivotTables

All reports open in Microsoft Excel and most include a PivotTable worksheet:

  • a PivotTable is a representation of the report data which can be manipulated to show the required information

  • clicking into the table shows the PivotTable Field List allowing data to be removed/added

  • clicking and dragging field labels allows the order of the table to be altered

  • double-clicking any figure within a PivotTable opens a new worksheet showing the data involved; for example, in the Valuation Analysis report, double-clicking the property price for properties at Sold status that were added to the database as a result of the Internet Registration, will show details of those properties

  • to restore the PivotTable to its original presentation, close the report without saving changes and run the report again

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