Bulk removal of internet registration enquiries (housekeeping)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines options available for bulk removal of internet registration enquiries and what information is required by Reapit Support in order to carry out this process

Requests must come from the key contact in your business

From version 12.165, access can be given to allow specified users within your business to delete internet registration leads in bulk - as outlined here:

1. Before raising a case

Reapit Support need to know the following:

  • The office name holding the enquiries you wish to be removed

  • Whether the enquiries that are to be removed are for sales, lettings or both

  • The date to remove enquiries from
    e.g. I would like all registrations before 01/01/2020 to be removed

2. Raise a case

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