View/filter landlord arrears by tenancy status & tenancy role

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.179

When viewing details of landlords in arrears, the following updates have been made:

  • the tenancy status and tenancy role for each entry can be seen on the arrears screen

  • the arrears list can be filtered according to tenancy status and/or tenancy role

These enhancements allow communication with landlords to be based on tenancy status or tenancy role
For example, landlords with a finished let only tenancy will be chased differently to a landlord with a managed current tenancy

From main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals and select Chase Arrears

  • Click Landlords view (on right)

    Landlord arrears.png
  • Selecting an arrears entry will display Tenancy Status and Tenancy Role in the panel below
    Can click column heading to sort by column and click to the right to search using text

    Landlord arrears - bottom right section.png
  • Transaction Filters option allows the landlord arrears list to be filtered by tenancy status and/or role
    Tick the required options - more than one status and/or role can be selected

  • When the screen is filtered, the options selected are displayed on screen plus an asterisk (*) is displayed to indicate the view is filtered

  • Hover over the transaction filters link to see more detail about what is currently being shown in the screen via a tooltip

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