ID check report enhancements - including RTR & Landlord Registration reporting

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.181

Right to Rent (RTR) & Landlord Registration options may not be enabled on your system - if you require this functionality and it is not currently enabled on your system, to request set-up click here to contact Reapit Support

Enhancements have been made to allow reports to be generated for:

  • ID checks

  • Right to Rent (RTR) checks (where enabled)

  • Landlord Registration checks (where enabled)

Each report option is detailed below

1. ID check reports

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of ID Check

    Select ID Check report.png
  • The ID Check Report criteria options will be shown
    Where applicable, click Show more to see all available options

    ID Check report criteria - full.png

ID Check Report criteria options include:

  • Checked by: allows the report to be filtered by one/more users who carried out the check
    This option was available prior to 12.181

  • ID Expiring: selecting this option filters the report to only show checks that are flagged as expiring
    When an ID is classed as ‘expiring’ is dependent on configuration settings - e.g. configuration could dictate that ID is classed as ‘expiring’ when it is 30 days before its actual expiry date

  • ID Pending: returns ID that has the status of ‘pending’
    This option was available prior to 12.181

  • ID Status: select one/more overall ID status options to report on - options are: Cancelled, Failed, In Progress, Successful, Unchecked

  • ID Type: select the ID type(s) to report on
    This option was available prior to 12.181

  • ID Valid: selecting this option filters the report to only show checks that are valid - i.e. ID that has not expired and is not cancelled

  • ID Warning: not shown above - this is an extra status option available with custom configuration for ID, typically when using Lexis Nexis
    When enabled, this criteria option allows you to filter the report by warning status

  • Show only last checks: when selected, will only show the latest ID check for a contact - if not selected, all ID checks will be shown for a contact

  • Linked Records - allows Contact criteria to be added to the ID check report

Example report

This report will return details of ID checks that were checked by Kian Kettlewell, where the ID is valid and, when a contact has multiple ID check records, only the latest checks will be shown

2. Right to Rent (RTR) check reports

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of ID Check - Right to Rent

  • The Right to Rent Report criteria options will be shown

Right to Rent (RTR) Report criteria options include:

  • Checked by: allows the report to be filtered by one/more users who carried out the check

  • ID 1 Expiry Date: allows the report to be filtered by the expiry date of the Primary ID type entered for the RTR check - options are available to report on expiry dates within a preset range or before/after a specific date

  • ID 2 Expiry Date: as ID 1 Expiry Date but for the Secondary ID type entered for the RTR check

  • ID Checked Date: allows the report to be filtered by the RTR ID check date - options are available to report on RTR ID check dates within a preset range or before/after a specific date

  • ID Expiring: selecting this option filters the report to only show RTR checks that are flagged as expiring
    When a RTR check is classed as ‘expiring’ is dependent on configuration settings - e.g. configuration could dictate that the RTR check is classed as ‘expiring’ when it is 30 days before its actual expiry date

  • ID Expiry Date: allows the report to be filtered by the RTR check overall expiry date - options are available to report on expiry dates within a preset range or before/after a specific date

  • ID Status: select one/more overall RTR ID check status options to report on - options are: Cancelled, Failed, In Progress, Successful, Unchecked

  • ID Valid: selecting this option filters the report to only show checks that are valid - i.e. a RTR check that has not expired and is not cancelled

  • Right to Rent Status: select one/more overall RTR status options to report on - options are: No right to reside, Permanent right to reside, Time limited right to reside

  • Show only last checks: when selected, will only show the latest RTR check for a contact - if not selected, all RTR checks will be shown for a contact

  • Linked Records - allows Contact criteria to be added to the Right to Rent report

Example report

This report will return details of Right to Rent checks that have the status of Successful and are close to expiring

3. Landlord Registration check reports

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of ID Check - Landlord Registration

  • The Landlord Registration Report criteria options will be shown

Landlord Registration Report criteria options include:

  • Checked by: allows the report to be filtered by one/more users who carried out the check

  • ID 1 Expiry Date: allows the report to be filtered by the expiry date of the Primary ID type entered for the Landlord Registration - options are available to report on expiry dates within a preset range or before/after a specific date

  • ID Checked Date: allows the report to be filtered by the Landlord Registration check date - options are available to report on Landlord Registration check dates within a preset range or before/after a specific date

  • ID Expiring: selecting this option filters the report to only show Landlord Registration checks that are flagged as expiring
    When a Landlord Registration check is classed as ‘expiring’ is dependent on configuration settings - e.g. configuration could dictate that the Landlord Registration check is classed as ‘expiring’ when it is 30 days before its actual expiry date

  • ID Status: select one/more overall Landlord Registration check status options to report on - options are: Cancelled, Failed, In Progress, Successful, Unchecked

  • ID Valid: selecting this option filters the report to only show checks that are valid - i.e. a Landlord Registration check that has not expired and is not cancelled

  • Show only last checks: when selected, will only show the latest Landlord Registration check for a contact - if not selected, all Landlord Registration checks will be shown for a contact

  • Linked Records - allows Contact criteria to be added to the Right to Rent report

Example report

This report will return details of Landlord Registration checks where the expiry date is after 01/04/2024 and the ID check is valid

4. Report results grid

After running any of the ID check reports covered in sections 1-3, the ID check report grid is displayed

  • Double-click any entry in the list to view the contact's ID check screen (and contact record)

Grid functions can be used to sort or filter the list:

  • To sort the list, click the column heading

  • To filter the list, click to the right of the column heading to view filter icon and use the search field to filter by content

  • Columns can be removed from the grid - right-click over the column headings and select Pick columns - columns can also be moved by clicking and dragging them to a new position

  • After making changes to the grid layout, right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout
    If you have already saved the report criteria - to save to the default ID check report grid, select Save as default layout or, to save the grid just for this saved report, select Save grid to report

5. Use RTR / Landlord Registration criteria when running a contact report

Right to Rent and Landlord Registration report criteria can be added as a linked record/sub-report within a contact report
This is in addition to being able to add ID Check criteria to a contact report, which was available prior to version 12.181

This enhancement allows a report to be run on contacts dependent on selected RTR/Landlord Registration check information

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