Reapit version 12.183 release notes

Reapit version 12.183 release notes

This page outlines the latest additions and enhancements to Reapit version 12.183

Check which version you are using to see which features are available to you
(current version number displayed at the bottom of the main menu bar)


Update saved match-related reports following background changes in version 12.183 (journal match table)

Background structure changes regarding the storage of journaled match information have been made which have implications for any previously saved reports that include reporting on match information in the journal

This guide contains step-by-step guides on how to identify & fix affected reports in the Power Reports screen and the Organiser

Can use drag & drop for files to be added to checklists

Sales & lettings/rentals content

Store market appraisal reason on diary appointment - configuration option

Under Offer dashboard on Organiser for sales progression (sales only)

Display what3words location on property marketing

Number of additional flags on marketing screen increased - configuration option

Limit referrals to specific offices

Accounts content*

New UI - bank statement analysis screen


Configuration options are available to Enterprise customers only
* Only applies to users of Client Accounts (UK), Sales Trust Accounts or Property Management Accounts (APAC)

To view the Release Notes as a basic PDF, click here:

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