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Reapit CRM (desktop)
Getting started / quick guide - for sales, lettings & property management
Beta Release Notes
Release Notes index
Reapit version 12.201 release notes
Reapit version 12.200 release notes
Reapit version 12.199 release notes
Reapit version 12.198 release notes
Reapit version 12.197 release notes
Release notes archive
Version 12.190-195
Version 12.180-189
Reapit version 12.189 release notes
Reapit version 12.187 release notes
Reapit version 12.186 release notes
Reapit version 12.185 release notes
Reapit version 12.183 release notes
Update saved match-related reports following background changes in version 12.183 (journal match table)
Can use drag & drop for files to be added to checklists
Display what3words location on property marketing
Number of additional flags on marketing screen increased - configuration option
Limit referrals to specific offices
New UI - bank statement analysis screen
Reapit version 12.182 release notes
Reapit version 12.181 release notes
Version 12.170-179
Version 12.160-169
Version 12.150-159
Version 12.140-149
Version 12.130-139
Version 12.120-129
Version 12.103-119
Sales & Lettings/Rentals
Block Management