Store market appraisal reason on diary appointment - configuration option

Store market appraisal reason on diary appointment - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.183

Configurable option for Enterprise customers
To request this option to be enabled on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support
When contacting Reapit Support, include the MA reasons you wish to be added to your system

A configuration option is available which allows the reason for a market appraisal/valuation* appointment to be logged - the list of reasons offered on the MA diary appointment is configurable to match the needs of your business

With MA reason functionality enabled, MA reason criteria is automatically available within diary/appointment reports, plus MA reason information can be accessed in diary report result grids

A further configuration option is available which provides the ability for specific users/groups to enter MA reasons but, once saved, prevents them from being able to make changes to the selected MA reason
To implement this further option for specific users/groups, contact Reapit Support using the link above

Logging MA reasons when booking an MA appointment allows reports to be carried out to help identify trends and specific vendor/landlord types to assist in capturing new business opportunities

*The terminology (i.e. market appraisal or valuation) in use on your system is dependent on configuration as chosen by your business - for the purposes of this guide, market appraisal (or MA) will be used

1. Select MA reason (& further configuration option behaviour)

The MA Reason field is offered when creating a Market Appraisal/Valuation* appointment
Creating any other type of appointment does not display this field

When your system uses the terminology of Valuation (not Market Appraisal), the MA Reason field will be titled Val Reason

From an MA appointment:

  • Select the MA Reason from the drop-down list

    MA appointment - with MA reason field.png
  • The options offered in this list are set-up to meet the requirements of your business
    An example list is shown here

    MA reasons example list.png

Further configuration option

As outlined above, a further configuration option is available - when this is enabled, selected users/groups are able to enter MA reasons but, once saved, they are not able to make changes to the selected reason

With this configuration enabled:

  • Enter MA details as normal, including the MA Reason and click Save

  • The MA Reason is displayed on the appointment screen but is greyed out and cannot be edited

    MA reason - not editable.png

Without the further configuration option enabled, MA Reasons can be freely changed at any point

2. Report on MA reasons

As an MA reason is added within the diary/appointment screen, they are reported on via a diary report
MA reasons can also be reported on via a property report when an appointments report has been added to it as a sub-report/linked record

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of Diary Report
    Or, from a Property Report, add property report criteria then, from the Linked Records section, select Appointments as a sub-report

  • Select MA Reason

    MA reason criteria in diary report.png

When your system uses the terminology of Valuation (not Market Appraisal), the MA Reason criteria option will be titled Valuation Reason

  • Select the required reason(s) to report on

    MA reason criteria list.png

Example report

This report returns all properties in the London office that currently have the status of Market Appraisal and an appointment confirmed date in the last 3 months, where the reason for the MA was specified as investor or developer

MA reason example report.png

3. View MA reasons in diary report/organiser grids

Viewing MA reasons in a report results grid is available when running a diary report (not a property report)

From a diary report or Organiser grid:

  • Right-click over the column headings, click Pick columns and select MA Reason
    When your system uses the terminology of Valuation (not Market Appraisal), the MA Reason criteria option will be titled Valuation Reason

    MA reasons option in pick columns.png
  • The new column is added to the far right side of the grid - click and drag the column heading to the desired position

  • Right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout
    If you have already saved the report criteria - to save to the default property report grid, select Save as default layout or, to save the grid just for this report, select Save grid to report

  • The column will show when using this type of grid again - grid functions can be used to sort or filter the list

    • To sort the list, click the column heading

    • To filter the list, click to the right of the column heading to view filter icon (shown below), click icon and select required option to filter by or click Group by MA Reason

MA reason column in grid.png

The example above shows a grid accessed via a diary report - the same functionality is available when viewing a diary grid via the Organiser

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Need more assistance? No problem! Just log a ticket on the Reapit Service Desk Portal at https://reapitsupport.refined.site/ and a member of our Support Team will be happy to help


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