SMS templates

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A Reapit key contact can request access to SMS templates in order to edit them or create new

This article provides a list of SMS templates, where they are generated from and what they consist of, including:

General SMS templates

Template name

Generated from


Template name

Generated from



Property > applicant match > Reports > SMS option

Used whenever someone is performing a property to applicant match - this action also triggers picture messaging

Template usually contains brief message details to inform clients of a new property that might interest them


Diary appointment > Print > SMS option

Used as confirmation of a diary appointment and often used in partnership with automated reminders


Click applicant mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for applicant


Click vendor mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for vendor


Click landlord mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for landlord


Click landlord mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for landlord


Click tenant mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for tenant


Click company mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for companies


Click staff member mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for staff member of a company


Click buyer mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for buyer


Click contact mobile phone number > Send template SMS message

Template used to create custom SMS for contact

SMS Speedway templates

Template name

Generated from


Template name

Generated from



This serves as the bulk of the template options for automated reminders

  • Changing the XX and YYY content will affect the message content and who the recipient is

    • XX
      2-character diary appointment type that this message will be used for

    • YYY
      Short form for the recipient and limited to:
      ven for property vendor or landlord
      neg for assigned negotiator
      app for applicant or current tenant

For example: a template named SmsSpeedway_vw_ven.txt
will be used for automated text messages sent for a valuation to a vendor



This is only used in the event that the client has requested follow up SMS automated texts

If the client wants to send a message following on from an appointment (e.g. to request feedback) this template will be required

The naming convention must follow the same logic as above, with the appropriate appointment code and recipient; the number (num) must be incremented for each additional message required

For example, to use follow up templates for the example given above, the templates to use will be:
The second follow up will be SmsSpeedway_vw_ven3.txt


Chase arrears SMS templates

Template name

Generated from


Template name

Generated from



Chase arrears screen> to landlord > Print> SMS

SMS message template for chasing landlord arrears


Chase arrears screen> to tenant > Print> SMS

SMS message template for chasing tenant arrears

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