Change personal details (edit my details)
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
This page outlines how you can change your personal details in Reapit - you may need to do this if they are inaccurate, if they have changed recently or if they are appearing incorrectly on a template/email
This guide will help you to update your:
letter name (the name used as your sign-off on letters/e-mails generated in Reapit)
job title
password (see note in section 2 below)
screen scaling (outlined here)
accessibility settings, i.e. background contrast & header type (outlined here)
contact numbers, e.g. work, mobile, other office numbers
e-mail address
personal image/photo
If you need to change your office or user name, this request needs to be raised with your manager or authorised contact before contacting Reapit Support
1. Access Edit My Details option From main menu:
From the Update My Details screen:
2. Change password The New Password field is not applicable if you log in to Reapit using Reapit Connect functionality (shown below) To change your password using Reapit Connect From login screen:
3. Change your personal image/photo From main menu: