Task & message templates

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Templates can be setup for use with tasks and messages and can also be implemented when tasks are used within workflow configuration - click here for more information

Use of task/message templates and workflow requires setup from Reapit Support - click here to contact Reapit Support

Template configuration options

Templates can be set up to:

  • Send to a whole office or specific negotiators

  • Send from one/more specific records (i.e. applicant, company, contact, landlord, property, tenancy, renewal); or be used from all records, including the Organiser panels (where applicable)

  • Use just for sales or lettings properties, or both

  • Be used as a task (with task functionality) or a message

    • Where task is chosen, can set task type and when it is activated

The body of the task/message template can be set up to use merge codes as well as text. Merge codes instruct the template to take the required information from your Reapit database.

Example template

In this example, a template has been set up to be available from a sales property record. It will be sent as a task to specific users across various offices. Merge codes have been used to pull information from the current property into the task, along with specific instruction text for the users receiving the task.

1. Creating the task

From the property record:

  • In Activity Feed, click the + icon

2. Select template

Available task/message templates will be displayed

  • Select the required template

  • Click Accept 


3. New task/message

The new task will be displayed with content determined by the selected template

  • Check content
    Content can be edited as required before sending

  • Click Send


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