Permitted occupier updates (adding from a contact, converting to a contact & storing date of birth)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.123

Two updates have been made relating to permitted occupiers as detailed below

  1. Adding a permitted occupier from a contact record
    An existing contact record can be used when adding a permitted occupier, plus a new contact record can be created from an existing permitted occupier
    A configuration option is also available to ensure a minimum age for contact creation

  2. Adding date of birth
    A permitted occupier's date of birth can be stored on the system
    A configuration option is also available to ensure the entry of this is mandatory

1. Adding a permitted occupier from a contact record

Follow the instructions in this guide on how to add a permitted occupier, click here:

From tenancy:

  • In the Additional Tenants / Occupiers panel, click  and select New occupier from contact record

  • Search for an existing record
    Where one doesn't exist, a new contact record can be added - the contact will be added as an Occupier

    Add new occupier from contact record.png

2. Configuration option

Your system can be configured to ensure that it is mandatory to enter a date of birth when adding permitted occupiers

3. Convert current occupier to a contact

Converting an occupier to a contact can be carried out from the screen shown in step 2, or as follows

From tenancy:

  • Right-click over the occupier name and select Convert to contact
    A new contact record will be created and displayed - the occupier's name, address and date of birth (where entered) will already be completed

  • Add more detail to the contact record, as required - then click Save
    Where a date of birth has been entered, the permitted occupier's age is shown beside their name

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