Permitted or licenced occupier role shown on contact record

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.189

When a contact is a permitted or licenced occupier on a tenancy, this is now shown on the contact record as a role
Prior to this release, when viewing the contact record there was no record of the contact being a permitted/licenced occupier on a tenancy

This update provides more accurate information when viewing roles on the contact record where the contact is a permitted/licenced occupier

From tenancy:

  • Any permitted or licenced occupiers are displayed in the Additional Tenants / Occupiers panel
    (existing functionality)

    Permitted occupier in tenancy.png

When viewing the contact record of a permitted or licenced occupier:

  • The Activity panel shows they are a permitted/licenced occupier on a tenancy
    Prior to this release, this would not be shown - therefore using the example below, only the Lettings Applicant role would have been shown

    Permitted occupier role on contact record.png

For more information on permitted or licenced occupiers on a tenancy, click here:

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