Add a supplier/company record

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant all regions

Company/supplier records are used throughout the system, especially in Property Management - once added they can be used on any record where company/supplier details are needed, such as a works order

This guide covers:

Add a new company/supplier

Before adding a new company/supplier on the system, check that there isn’t already a record added for them!

The company/supplier screen allows multiple individual staff member details to be entered onto it

If you have new staff details for an existing company, the existing record should be used and the individual staff details entered onto it - this avoids unmanageable duplicate company/supplier records being created and prevents future issues with supplier invoicing

If an existing record is found and you have new staff member details to add, use this record to add their details - for information on adding staff details on a company/supplier record, see step 3 of Enter company details section below

Search for & add new company record

Before adding a new company, check that there isn't a record already on the system

  • Click Universal Search (magnifying glass top left)

  • Enter your search text (usually company name) and press enter

  • If not found, at the bottom of the menu bar

    • Click Add New and select New Company

A new company record will be created:

If the company screen shown above doesn’t match the one on your system, see section below titled: Legacy company screen

Enter company details

1. Enter company/supplier basic details

Use the left side of the screen to enter details of the company/supplier

  • Non-VAT registered - where applicable, tick this box
    This affects whether or not VAT is set on an invoice for the supplier

  • Contact details & address - enter company/supplier contact and address details

    • Specific staff and contact details should be added in the Staff panel, see step 3

  • Areas Covered - specific locations that this company/supplier covers can be entered

  • Public - usually used to store reference codes from legacy systems after migration to Reapit

  • Opt out of marketing - tick this box if this company/supplier doesn't want to be contacted by your business for marketing purposes

2. Save company record

  • Click Save (top right) - you can now add the following:

    • ID - click Identity Check to add ID details, for more information, click here:

    • Staff details - see next step

    • Documents - see step 7

3. Add staff details

From Staff panel:

  • Click - options are Add staff name or Select contact record

Select contact record

  • If the staff member has a contact record on the system already (or you want to add them as a contact), select this option

  • Search for the contact record, double-click when found
    If not found, click Add (top left)

Add staff name

  • Enter staff name detail
    If you want to add more detail, add as a contact instead (see above)

Staff details added

  • Staff members that are contacts are shown with the contact icon to the left
    No icon means they have been added using the Add staff name function

  • To see name and contact details in tool tip, hover over name (see below)

  • To access associated staff member contact/staff record, click name

  • To remove staff member, hover over name and click red cross (to right)

  • Right-click over either entry type for options to:

    • Send e-mail - where email address is stored on the contact/staff record

    • Set as main contact - when selected, main contact is indicated by an asterisk (*) - see below
      A main contact on a company record might be used when generating correspondence for the company - it is also used when creating a company record (e.g. if creating a company applicant record the company main contact will be added to the Attention field on the applicant screen)

    • Create full contact record (available on staff record) - allows a staff record to be converted to a contact record

4. Relationships

Setting up a Main Office and Key Contact on a company/supplier allows restrictions to be placed on who can edit the record and also means that, when reporting, records that are not applicable to you/your office can be filtered out

  • Main Office: select which office is to be classed as the Owning Office for the company

  • Key Contact: select which user is to be classed as the Key Contact for the company

  • Click for options to add further Office(s) and Negotiator(s)

  • Yellow star (right) indicates the Main Office/Key Contact - to promote an office/user to be the main office/key contact, click the clear star to the right

5. Accreditations

Details of company/supplier accreditation certificates can be added

From Accreditations panel:

  • Click (on right)

  • Enter the accreditation certificate details

  • Select certificate Type from the drop-down list
    Options offered are configurable and dependent on business requirements

  • Enter the Expiry Date and any other Details in the field below

  • Click Accept
    The accreditation certificate details will be shown in the Accreditations panel, as shown above

6. Payments and terms (for users of Reapit Client Accounts)

  • To view transaction or payment information for the company/supplier, click:

    • Transactions
      Options to Show archived transactions and Show unposted works orders are available (top right), Print allows the information shown to be previewed and printed and/or exported to Excel

    • Payments
      Date options (bottom left) allow the information to be filtered by date range
      Print allows the information shown to be previewed and printed

The following options are also available:

  • Bank: click link to enter company/supplier bank details
    A configuration option allows the ability to add/edit bank details to be restricted, for more information, click here:

  • Nominal code: click link and select relevant nominal code to be used

  • Commission paid to agent on supplier invoices: enter the agent commission percentage value

    • When in use and a supplier invoice is generated, a separate amount is invoiced to the supplier for the agent commission - then, once money for the invoice has been receipted, the landlord and agent portions are shown in the BACS and Cheques Run

  • Referral fee: for more information, click here:

  • Terms description: used for information and/or documents generated in on the system

7. Add associated documents

When the company record has been saved, the Documents button can be used to store electronic versions of documents/letters/certificates for this company/supplier

From top left of (saved) company/supplier:

  • Click Documents (to display the Document Management window)

  • Click and drag the document over this window (or click Add and browse to your document)

  • When asked Copy file to correspondence folder, click Yes

  • Document Properties is displayed allowing you to Rename the document, choose appropriate type and click Accept
    This determines how it appears and how it is categorised in the Document Management screen

The document is displayed in the Document Management window:

  • Right-click over it for further options, such as Document type (to change the document category type)

8. Activity feed, journal & notes

The Activity Feed pulls together key activity for this company/supplier (e.g. change of bank details), manual entries can also be added

Add a manual journal entry:

  • From Activity Feed panel, click

  • Select Create journal entry

  • Enter required journal note and click Accept
    Once saved, these notes are non-editable

Options are also available to add a:

  • Task -

  • Call reminder -

  • Contact alert -

The Journal pulls together all activity for this company/supplier including works orders they are involved in and also all manual journal entries

  • Click Journal (top right)

Description / Notes

  • Allows notes to be entered (for internal use only)

Legacy company screen

1. Enter company/supplier details

Enter the main details for the company/supplier on the left side of the screen

  • Company - add company name

  • Office - enter office location when there is more than one office for this company

  • Business - click the link and choose what type of business this is (e.g. Accountant, Estate Agent, Solicitor) or, where a supplier, select Supplier and choose the supplier type in the field below

  • Options to store ID Check documents/details and whether the company are Non-VAT registered are available

  • Enter the address & contact details for the company/supplier

  • Areas Covered allows specific locations that this company/supplier covers (optional)

  • Opt out of marketing - tick if this company/supplier doesn't want to be contacted by your company for marketing purposes

  • Click Save
    You can now add Staff details to this record, see next step

2. Add staff details

In the Staff section (on right):

  • Click Add

  • If the staff member has a contact record on the system already (or you want to add them as a contact), click Select contact record
    Or, click Add staff name

    Adding a contact record allows a high level of detail for the staff member to be stored (compared to adding a staff name)

  • If choosing to Select contact record, search for the contact record (or add new), double-click when found

  • If choosing to Add staff name, enter the staff details, as shown right, click Accept


3. Supplier details

From the Supplier details tab:


  • Click Add to add details of new certificates, or double-click existing ones to edit

Payments and Terms
(for Client Accounts users)

  • Click Transactions or Payments to view information for this supplier

  • The supplier's Bank details, Nominal Code, agent Commission rate and Terms description are also entered here


4. Contact details 

From the Contact details tab:

  • Use the top section to add contact/journal notes
    Once saved, these notes are non-editable

  • Click Tasks for the option to save tasks related to the current company/supplier

  • Negotiators / Offices allow you to set the internal Key Contact and other contacts/offices who deal with this company/supplier


5. Activity tab (journal)

The Activity tab pulls together activity for this company/supplier including works orders they are involved with


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