Universal Search, quick search & advanced search options

Universal Search, quick search & advanced search options

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Searching your Reapit CRM system can be can be carried out in various ways - using names, addresses and contact details to find the required information

Universal Search searches the whole of your database, allowing you to filter as you search to find the records you need - you can also Quick Search by record (i.e. applicant, property/vendor, landlord/tenant, contact or company) and Advanced Search options are also available

Search results can be used to send an email/letter to each entry and also printed out

Searching the current database must be carried out before adding a new record

After carrying out a Universal or Quick Search, the option to Add New is offered at the bottom of the main menu

1. Universal Search

  • Any of the following can be entered as search criteria:

    • name

    • address

    • postcode

    • reference code

    • contact number

    • email address

  • Enter text in the search field, press Enter on your keyboard


Universal Search results (see 1a)

  • Search results are displayed in categories
    (i.e. Properties, Applicants, etc)

Where further search functions are needed, click Advanced Search at the bottom of the screen, see section 3 below for more information 


For some searches, the text entered could be a name or an address, where this is the case, an option is offered on screen to identify which category the search text falls into

2. Quick Search

Clicking any main menu option from Property downwards displays a search bar in the sub-menu to allow a Quick Search to be carried out

Any of the following can be entered when using Quick Search:

  • Name: searching by name searches surname, company name and attention fields

  • Address: searches Address line 1 and the Flat or House Name fields

  • Contact numbers or email addresses


Where further search functions are needed, click Advanced Search at the bottom of the screen, see section 3 below for more information 

3. Advanced Search

After carrying out a Quick/Universal Search, the Advanced Search option is available at the bottom of the menu bar (see section 1)

  • Click Advanced Search then select the type of search to carry out
    i.e. property search, applicant search, etc.
    This example shows an applicant search

Use the options on left of the screen to filter your search results:

  • Tick Include contacts to include contact records as well as the current record type

  • Name: searches all name fields

  • Address: searches all address fields

Changing the search options to Quick provides the same search functionality as outlined in section 2 above, therefore if needing Advanced Search functionality, options should be left as Full

  • Telephone/E-mail: searches contact number/email fields

  • Code: search using the code or part-code for the required record

Each record is assigned a 9-11 digit code which can be seen at the top of each record
(codes are in format: office code, 2 digit code to represent the year created, then a 4-6 digit code)

  • Scope allows the list to be filtered by:

    • Negotiator: returns the current negotiator's data only

    • Office: returns the data for the current negotiator's office only

    • Department: includes the current negotiator's Department data (e.g. General, Commercial) only

    • All: data is searched across the company

  • Tick Archive to add archived records to the search

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