Record reason for an arranging tenancy being withdrawn or cancelled - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A configuration option is available to ensure that when an arranging tenancy is withdrawn or cancelled, a reason for this has to be entered

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

1. Withdraw or cancel Arranging Tenancy

From the tenancy:

  • Click the Status drop-down menu (which should be set as Arranging Tenancy) 

  • Select Applicant withdrawn or Tenancy cancelled

2. Enter reason

  • For a withdrawal, click Save
    Or, for a cancellation, an Are you sure? message is displayed, click Yes

    The Finished Tenancy screen is then displayed and must be completed in order to proceed

  • Select the Reason for the tenancy being withdrawn or cancelled

  • Enter any further Comments

  • Click OK



3. Status and Reason displayed on tenancy

  • The tenancy screen displays the new Status along with the chosen Reason

    Hovering over the reason displays any comments previously entered

    Clicking the reason gives access to the Finished Tenancy screen again