Using the Reapit IQ training administrator account (UK only)
This guide covers how to:
Access admin account & find team
1. Log in to relevant admin account
2. Find team
Look up assigned learning, achievements & points/badges
1. Find colleague
2. View assigned learning, achievements & badges/points Use the options across the top of the screen to view assigned learning, achievements & badges/points To view all learning items that are either still in progress or not yet started:
To view what colleagues have achieved:
Assign learning
1. Switch to admin view
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2. Select course From the navigation bar:
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2. Assign a course to one person
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3. Assign a course to more than one person
For any course you assign, tick Send email notifications to Learners option to ensure the selected people receive an automated message about their booking
Assign classroom/webinar courses
1. Switch to admin view
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2. Select course From the navigation bar:
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2. Select module
3. Assign people to the course
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4. Register users to the session
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5. Select session
Run reports in Reapit IQ
1. Switch to admin view
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2. Select reports option From the navigation bar:
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3. Reports dashboard Reports for your training admin account can be created here, saved reports are also shown
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4. Select report type From the dashboard shown in step 3 above:
5. Build report - select data columns to appear in report
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6. Build report - set up report options Set up report options:
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7. Select download options The report can be downloaded immediately or scheduled
Saved reports can be found on your reports dashboard |