New UI round-up: v12.158

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

As part of the new user interface (UI) project, the following screen has been redesigned in 12.158 to bring it in line with previously redesigned screens

All existing functionality exists but with a refreshed look and feel

Drawing Area(s) on Map

The Drawing Area(s) on Map screen, used when reporting on properties and choosing to draw area(s) on a map, now uses the new UI format

From Power Reports:

  • Select Property Report type for sales or lettings

  • Select Area then click the drop-down menu and select drawn on map
    For example, this report will return just sales properties registered at the user’s office that have the status For Sale - Available that are within the custom area(s) drawn on the map (see next step)

  • The Drawing Area(s) on Map screen uses the new UI format
    Click on map to draw required area - if more areas are required, click Draw additional area
    Click Accept when finished

Once the map area is complete - to draw another area, click Draw additional area (top left)

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