Update to sending letters as PDF via email (12.167)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The process for sending PDF letters via email has been updated and enhanced, as outlined in the article below

Please note that this screen will not be seen for users of DevExpress until version 12.171

1. Generate letter to send via email (as usual)

Create letter in Reapit, as usual

  • Click Save (from Word document)
    Reapit is displayed with save options

  • Select E-mail PDF and click Accept

  • The following screen is displayed:

This screen allows you to send an email with the letter attached as a PDF, as usual - but with further options, as explained in steps 2 - 4

2. Select recipients

The select recipients panel allows any roles involved in the selected record to be chosen and new email addresses entered
For example: for an offer letter - along with the negotiator’s email address, applicant, vendor and solicitor email addresses would usually be offered here

From the screen shown in step 1, in the select recipients panel:

  • Click each section to expand and tick the required contacts with an email address
    Contacts cannot be selected if no email address is stored for them

  • New address - use this field to enter any further email addresses, separated by a comma

  • Hide/Bcc recipients - tick this box to add the recipients to the Bcc field on the email
    This prevents the recipients addresses from being displayed on the email
    Leaving the box un-ticked will add all selected/entered recipients to the To field

3. Add subject line, message body, template type & attachments

From the screen shown in step 1:

  • Send - Attach as PDF to - select to send a Blank E-mail
    or click the drop-down menu and choose a template (where available)

  • Subject - enter a subject line for the email

  • Attachments - click the paperclip icon to the right

    • Add attachment from this device - browse to find the required letters/files on your device

    • Add attachment from Property (available from version 12.168+)
      allows letters to be attached that are currently saved in the Existing Letters & Files panel of Letters screen of the record you are currently using (e.g. property)

4. Preview and send

When steps 1 - 3 are complete:

  • Preview - allows the email to be checked before sending

  • Send - sends the email to the selected recipients

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