Prevent access to ID check screens, plus related configuration updates

Prevent access to ID check screens, plus related configuration updates

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.187

Configurable option for Enterprise customers
To request this option to be enabled on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support

A single configuration option has been added which prevents a user from gaining access to the ID Checks screens on any role record (i.e. contact, vendor, landlord, applicant, tenant, company or supplier)
The default setting for this configuration is to allow all users to view all ID Checks screens

Two other changes have been made regarding giving access to ID Checks screens, as follows:

  1. Prior to this release, an option to prevent a user from viewing tenant ID only was available
    From 12.187+, this configuration option is no longer available and has been replaced by the option outlined above

  2. Prior to this release, when user configuration was set so that a user was not allowed to edit a landlord name, this configuration also prevented the user from accessing the landlord ID Check screen
    From 12.187+, the configuration preventing a landlord name from being edited is no longer linked to the ability to access the ID Check screen

When a user is prevented from accessing ID checks

From any role record where ID can be stored:
(i.e. contact, vendor, landlord, applicant, tenant, company or supplier)

  • The Identity Check option is greyed out

    ID Check link disabled on contact.png
  • Hovering over the option explains why it is not accessible

    ID Check link pop-up.png

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