Store unique property reference number (UPRN) on property record (UK only)

Store unique property reference number (UPRN) on property record (UK only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to UK only

Available from version 12.189

A property’s unique property reference number (UPRN) can be stored on a sales or lettings property

Currently this field is simply a place to store the UPRN, future use of it will be implemented in later versions

The unique property reference number (UPRN) is the unique identifier for every addressable location in the UK, created by the Ordnance Survey - consisting of a maximum of 12 digits, local governments allocate a UPRN to each piece of land or property

From property:

  • UPRN field allows up to 12 digits to be entered

    UPRN on property.png

If your screen size is small so that the address shows as a link:

  • Click address link

  • The UPRN is displayed on the pop-out window below the address

    UPRN on property - address as link.png

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