Closing date added to property marketing (Scotland only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to Scotland only

Available from version 12.193

This update applies to customers using Scottish property system features in Reapit

Having a closing date field in the marketing screen has been added to the existing standard Scottish property system settings to provide the field for all Scottish clients, removing the need for custom files to be used (as required previously)

This field allows the closing date for interest in a property to be logged

The closing date can be reported on via a property report and seen in property grids seen when using property grids on Organiser and after running a report

1. Enter closing date

From sales or lettings property:

  • Click Marketing

    Closing date - marketing link on prop.png
  • Enter Closing Date

    Closing date on marketing.png

2. Report on closing date

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of Property Report for Sales or Lettings

  • Click Pick Property Criteria and then click Show more

  • Select Closing Date criteria option

  • Select the required date or date range

View closing dates in property/Organiser report grids

Properties with a closing date can be easily identified when viewing properties in a property Organiser grids and after running a property report by ensuring the closing date column is added to the grid, when required

From a report or Organiser property grid:

  • Right-click over the column headings, click Pick columns and select More

  • Tick Closing Date and click Accept

  • The Closing Date column is added to the far right side of the grid - click and drag the column heading to the desired position

  • Right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout
    If you have already saved the report criteria - to save to the default property report grid, select Save as default layout or, to save the grid just for this report, select Save grid to report

  • The column will show when using this type of grid again - grid functions can be used to sort or filter the list

    • To sort the list, click the column heading

    • To filter the list, hover over the right of the column heading to view filter icon (shown below) and click to filter by date

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