Ignore duplicate contacts in bulk - update (12.198)
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
Available from version 12.198
No configuration is required for this update - however, being able to ignore a duplicate contact is dependent on configuration (which is given when enabled to merge duplicate contacts)
For more information on how to identify duplicate contacts, including how to ignore and merge contacts, plus related configuration options, click here: https://reapit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RW/pages/2071626420
The process for marking multiple duplicate contacts as ignored has been updated - an Ignore Duplicates tab has been added, which automatically selects the current contact to be ignored along with presenting all other duplicate contacts that can be selected to be ignored, as required
Ignore duplicate contacts in bulk
From contact record:
As a result of ignoring the duplicates:
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