Adding & editing HTML email templates

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A Reapit key contact can request access to upload/download HTML email templates in order to edit them or create new

There are various key points to be aware of when adding, editing and deploying updated email templates

Before requesting access, please read this article carefully to ensure you are aware of what is involved in order to successfully manage and edit email templates in Reapit

This guide covers:

How to request access

Editing an existing template

1. Access menu option 

To get access to this option, contact Reapit Support, as outlined above

From main menu:

  • Click user name/office top left of main menu

  • Click Tools and select Manage Letter/E-mail templates


2. Download templates using the Deployment Explorer

This screen gives access to download/upload all your HTML files 

  • The Change folder menu shows which set of templates is being displayed, ensure you are viewing the E-mail templates folder, as shown right

  • Select the required HTML template and click Download

    Templates need to be downloaded to a local machine and edited via a source code editor, such as Notepad++ (


3. Letter Template Editor

It is recommended to have the Letter Template Editor open alongside your email template in order to drag and drop any required merge codes into it - email templates cannot be accessed or edited within the Letter Template Editor

To open the Letter Template Editor:

  • From main menu, click Name/Office (top left)

  • Click Tools and select Letter Template Editor

If you do not have access to the Letter Template Editor but you do have access to the Setup Negotiators screen, you can set up access to it yourself - for more information, see Knowledge Base Guide:

If you don’t have access to the Setup Negotiators screen, contact Reapit Support

From Letter Template Editor:

  • In section 1 (on left), select Create a new template and click Proceed
    A new, blank template will be opened to the right

  • In section 2 (on left), use the expandable categories to find the required merge codes, then drag and drop the code onto the blank word document

  • Copy the code and paste into the required location on the HTML template

More information

  • Merge codes in emails use the delimiters <% and %> (similar to ASP)
    They will vary depending on where the email is being sent from in Reapit
    For example, data specific to applicants or properties sent in match emails should start with either Applicant. or Property.
    Appointment specific data sent in appointment confirmation emails should start with Entry

  • Merge codes can be used to print text
    For example, the property address as a main heading
    Code: <h1><%Property.Address.FullAddress%></h1>
    Result: 1 Long Street, Anytown, AB1 1YZ

  • Merge codes can be used as attribute values in HTML tags
    For example, the property URL
    Code: <a href='<%Property.URL%>'>View Online</a>
    Result: View Online

Where a merge code is used as an HTML attribute value, it should be surrounded by single quotes to allowing easy previewing in a browser while you edit the template

4. Uploading & deploying edited email templates (existing templates)

  • When complete, edited files should be uploaded and should overwrite the existing version
    This avoids duplication and impact on storage

  • Backups are created for every upload made (by you/Reapit) - therefore, if issues arise due to the upload of edited templates, they can be rolled back

Adding a new email template

1. Open Deployment Explorer window

  • Follow step 1 in the previous section

  • The Deployment Explorer window (shown in step 2 in the previous section) will be displayed

  • Open an existing blank email template

The following blank files should be available to you, if not, contact Reapit Support to request these

2. Create new template

  • Add the narrative/content as required

  • See step 3 of the previous section for information on using the Letter Template Editor for required merge codes for your new template

More information

  • Merge codes in emails use the delimiters <% and %> (similar to ASP)
    They will vary depending on where the email is being sent from in Reapit
    For example, data specific to applicants or properties sent in match emails should start with either Applicant. or Property.
    Appointment specific data sent in appointment confirmation emails should start with Entry

  • Merge codes can be used to print text
    For example, the property address as a main heading
    Code: <h1><%Property.Address.FullAddress%></h1>
    Result: 1 Long Street, Anytown, AB1 1YZ

  • Merge codes can be used as attribute values in HTML tags
    For example, the property URL
    Code: <a href='<%Property.URL%>'>View Online</a>
    Result: View Online

Where a merge code is used as an HTML attribute value, it should be surrounded by single quotes to allowing easy previewing in a browser while you edit the template

3. Save new template

  • Rename the file as to how you want it to appear to your users

  • Add in a prefix to tell Reapit where this is generated from, and what recipient email address(es) to pull into Outlook - use the Email template file names section below to do this

4. Upload new template & test

In the Deployment Explorer window:

  • Click Upload 

  • Test the template by opening it within Reapit
    As outlined in the Email template file names guide below (Opened from section)

Email template file names

All email templates can be either plain text (*.txt) or HTML (*.htm/*.html)

The following is a list of email templates grouped by type, including their file name and where they are opened from within Reapit


File name

Opened from



File name

Opened from


Property to applicant match

Sale & Let: pMatch

Sale: pSaleMatch

Let: pLetMatch

Property > Match > Email


Right-click Match button > Hand Match

Add Personalised to the end of the file name to send an individual email to each applicant

For example:

Using a personalised template sends an individual email to each applicant (rather than one with all applicants in the BCC field)

This allows applicant specific data to be merged, such as their salutation

Applicant to property match

Sale & Let: prp

Sale: prpSale

Let: prpLet

Applicant > Match > Reports > Email


Property report > Email

Email particulars

Sale: hSaleMatch

Let: hLetMatch

Right-click Match button (applicant or property > Email particulars

No template for both sales and lettings/rentals

Predefined details

Sale & Let: prpDet

Sale: prpSaleDet

Let: prpLetDet

Property > Details > Email > Email to applicant = No

Collated match

Sale: saleCollate

Let: letCollate

Tools > Print collated matches > Collated match reports > Email

No template for both sales and lettings/rentals

No matches found


Applicant > Match > Letter > Email

Used when applicant does not match to any properties


File name

Opened from


File name

Opened from



Diary > appointment > Print > Email

Viewing tour


Diary > appointment > Print > Email


File name

Opened from



File name

Opened from




Applicant > right-click email address > Send template
Applicant report > Applicant personalised template emails
Property journal > Report > List selected applicants > Email

All applicants


Applicant report > Email all applicants from template



Property > right-click email address > Send template
Property report > Vendor personalised template emails



Sales Property Report > E-mail > E-mail all buyers from template



Property > Right-click email address > Send template email



Property > Tenancy > Right-click email address > Send template email



Contact > right-click email address > Send template email

Merge codes for the contact's details must start with Person.
For example:<%Person.MailingSaltn%>



Contact Power Report > Print > E-mail > Proceed > Contact personalised template e-mails

Merge codes for the contact's details must start with Person.
For example:<%Person.MailingSaltn%>

All persons


Contact Power Report > Print > E-mail > Proceed > Email all contacts from template



Company > right-click email address > Send template email



Company > double-click staff member > right-click email address > Send template email


File name

Opened from


File name

Opened from

Sales progression

All parties: salesProgression

Buyer: salesProgressionBuy

Vendor: salesProgressionVnd

Buyer solicitor: salesProgressionBuySol

Vendor solicitor: salesProgressionVndsol

Property > Offers > Sales Progress > Email


All parties: offers

Buyer: offersBuy

Vendor: offersVnd

Buyer solicitor: offersBuySol

Vendor solicitor: offersVndSol

Property > Offers > right-click Letters


File name

Opened from


File name

Opened from

Tenancy emails

All parties: TenancyAll

Landlord: TenancyLld

Tenant: TenancyTen

Tenancy > right-click Letters > Send e-mail to XX > Template

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