Add a new user, remove a user and transfer data between users

Add a new user, remove a user and transfer data between users

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how you can carry out user management without the need to log a request through Reapit Support - with access to the Negotiator and User Setup screen, you can amend user information, add new users, remove existing users and transfer data from one user to another

A key contact can request access to the Negotiator and User Setup screen by contacting Reapit Support, click here to request this

Before making changes to configuration, the relevant guidance provided in this section should be read thoroughly - any changes made to configuration that causes an impact on operation may incur a charge to rectify

This guide covers:

How to access the Negotiator and User Setup screen

1. Access system menu

From main menu:

  • Click user name/office top left of main menu

  • Select Configuration and click Setup Negotiators

    The Negotiator and User Setup screen is displayed, see next step

2. Negotiator and User Setup screen

  • The Negotiator and User Setup screen is displayed

  • All active and inactive users are listed on the left side, with the selected user details shown on the right

Add a new user

1. Add new user details

From the Negotiator and User Setup screen:

  • Click the Add button (top left)
    This action clears the right side of the screen, ready to add the new user details

  • Enter the following details, an asterisk* denotes required information

    • Code*: enter a 3 or 4 digit unique code, often based on user initials, e.g. TMS, TMS1 (this can not be changed once saved)

    • Name*: the user’s first and last name, e.g. Tim Smith

    • Office*: select the office the user is associated with

    • Contact*: enter the user’s email address, this is an essential task as it ensures the user’s login will function correctly (contact numbers can also be entered, but this is optional)

    • Job Title: used for information purposes across the system, can be inserted in letters/emails

    • Letter Name: useful if a more formal sign-off is to be used in letters/emails generated within the system, e.g. Timothy M Smith, RICS

    • Login: N/A, leave blank

    • Image: upload the user’s photograph (which is then used on the main menu/Organiser)

2. Access further tabs/sections

Before exiting the Negotiator and User Setup screen:

  • Click the Approvals tab to set up supplier and/or works order invoice approval/authorisation functionality (where required) - see step 3

  • Set-up further functions via the Advanced tab (where required) - see step 4

3. Approvals section

  • Approval Limit - click set and select the required limit from the drop-down menu
    Limits offered are dependent on configuration

  • Approval Offices - click link and select the required office(s), or leave blank for all

4. Advanced section

On the Advanced tab, extra features and functions can be added for the selected user:

Security Group(s)

Where configured, click Add negotiator to group to add the user to relevant security group(s)
Security groups are managed by Reapit Support

Template editor
When ticked, the user will be given access to the Letter Template Editor, an inbuilt tool for adding/editing letter templates used across the system - for more information on using the Letter Template Editor, see the Knowledge Base guide: Using Letter Template Editor to create, edit and distribute letter templates

Screen scaling
This setting affects the screen size for this user - users can also change this themselves via the update/edit my details screen - for more information, see the Knowledge Base guide: Change personal details (edit my details)

Internet Reg
When ticked/unticked, enables/disables internet registration functionality for this user via the Organiser
Where internet registrations is configured for your business

Select which offices the user should receive internet registration leads for - leave blank for all
For more information on internet registrations, see the Knowledge Base guide: Internet Registrations (portal leads)

5. Save changes

From buttons top right:

  • Click Save then click Exit (top right)

Remove an existing user

From the Negotiator and User Setup screen:

  • Locate the user to be removed, select when found

  • Tick Negotiator is inactive (top right, beside user Code)

  • Click Save

Transfer data from one user to another