Estates missing certificates - example Power Report
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant all regions
Power Reports are a flexible reporting tool that allow you to run reports on virtually anything in AgencyCloud
This guide gives an example of a useful Power Report you can run to generate a list of your managed estates where a specific certificate type is missing
This example can be built on, or criteria options removed, to suit your requirements.
Remember, when building Power Reports, to consider which elements/fields in your database you need to query to get the information you need - these should be picked as your report criteria
On the main menu, click Reports and select Power Reports:
1. Build your report criteria
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2. Criteria needed For this report, criteria options to use are:
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3. Click Run Report |
Need more?
report results - using grids, print & export options shows what you can do with your report results
saving report criteria and sharing reports explains how you can save regularly used reports
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