Building a Power Report

Building a Power Report

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Reapit Power Reports are a flexible reporting tool that allow you to run reports on virtually anything

This guide explains the basics of building a Power Report along with adding a sub-report - which is required when needing to pull information into the report from other areas of the system

Further Power Reporting guides are available, see links at the bottom of the page

This guide covers:

Build a basic report

1. Access Power Reports screen & choose the report type

From the main menu:

  • Click Reports and select Power Reports
    A blank report screen will be displayed

  • If you're running a Property Report, click Pick Property Criteria and move to the next step

  • Click Property Report then select the type from the menu
    If you want to report on archived data, make sure you choose Include archived records from this menu

If you use Reapit for sales & lettings, make sure you've got the right mode selected before choosing your report criteria - see 1a below

1a. Switch from sales to lettings (or vice versa)

  • To run a lettings report, click Sales and select Switch to Lettings (& vice versa)

2. Choose the criteria for your report

When choosing the criteria for your report, consider which elements/fields in your database you need to query to get the information you need - these should be picked as your report criteria

For example, to report on sales properties that are being marketed at your office for over £1m and that have been on the market for over 6 months - you need to run a Property Report for Sales and include the following criteria:

  • Office (current office)

  • Asking Price (at least £1m)

  • Instruction Date (after x date)

Some report types have a Show more link to allow further options to be displayed/selected

3. Add report criteria

  • Click the first criteria option required, e.g. Office 
    Selecting is current office automatically reports on your office

  • Click Pick Property Criteria to return to the criteria options (seen in step 2) and continue building the report

  • The selected Office criteria is shown at the bottom of the screen
    The cross to the right of the selected criteria allows you to remove it from the report

  • Continue adding all other required criteria to build the Power Report

4. Run the report

When all criteria options have been added:

  • Click Run Report

Add a sub-report / linked record to a Power Report

A sub-report is needed in a Power Report to pull information into the report from other areas of the system

Adding a sub-report creates a filter on the data that would normally be returned in the basic report (before the sub-report is added)

1. Build the basic report & add a sub-report / linked record

The example report used in this section returns local applicants registered in your office who have a property to sell and who are actively viewing

Build the basic Power Report (as outlined in the section above):

  • For this example, the basic report needs to be set up to return a list of local active applicants who have a property to sell - but now a linked record needs to be added to include viewing-related data in the report

To include viewing-related data:

  • From the section titled Linked Records, select the required type, such as Appointments, Contacts, Offers, Tenancies etc.

2. Build your sub-report criteria

In the newly added sub-report section:

  • Click Pick criteria to display the criteria options below

  • Choose relevant criteria options needed for your sub-report
    Click the arrow to the top-right of the sub-report section for an option to Remove sub-report

Further menu options:

  • Above the Pick criteria option, click the text for further options including:

    • Option to report where no records exist
      e.g. can change to Applicant does not have appointments

    • Include archive records in the report

      Linked record added - showing menu options available.png

3. Run the report

When all criteria options have been added:

  • Click Run Report (bottom-right of screen)

    Linked record added with criteria shown.png

You can save frequently used Power Reports and also add them to your Organiser dashboard - see this guide: Add, edit & remove categories on Organiser panels (section 3)

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