Common portal feed queries (UK only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to the UK only

This page contains a breakdown of common queries regarding the feed from AgencyCloud to property portals

1. Property Attributes

  • A property Attribute in AgencyCloud can be mapped to an attribute on the property portal

  • In most cases, the mappings are logical e.g. House in AgencyCloud to House on the portal - however, this can be at your discretion

  • Sometimes a portal will not accommodate the respective Attribute from AgencyCloud
    In such cases, the Attribute can be mapped to an alternative on the portal, or left un-mapped


2. Property Department

  • Where enabled, you can change the property's Department from within the property Attributes screen
    The current Department in the example on the right is General

  • Changing a property's Department has an impact on the applicants that the record matches to, as well as how the record might look online

    For example, properties set under the Department of Commercial will match to commercial applicants and can be set to feed across commercial channels

3. Portal Classification

When a property is uploaded to a portal, and more than one AgencyCloud property Attribute is selected on the property record that drives the property classification on a portal, one of those classifications will need to take precedence

For information on which property classifications rank the highest, click here

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