Marketing expenses functionality

Marketing expenses functionality

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Property marketing expenses functionality is available for both advertising and non-advertising expenses, and includes marketing packs

This feature is compatible with existing advertising functionality and is also integrated with Reapit Client Accounts - where Client Accounts is not in use, marketing expense items are shown in the standard sales invoicing screen

To enable this functionality, click here to contact Reapit Support

1. Access Marketing Expenses screen

From the property screen:

  • Click ellipsis (...) button (top of screen) and select Marketing Expenses

2. Main screen

  • Current marketing expenses are listed, use this screen to add new, as outlined in step 3

  • Any advertising expenses logged here are automatically added to the property journal under the Advertising section

Marketing budget

The Marketing Budget field should be used to enter the budget for this property:

  • Enter the amount and click Save to update
    The amount remaining, along with the Total Spend, is automatically calculated as new expenses are added
    This is logged in the property journal as a Detail Change and is also shown in the Activity Feed, where configured

  • If trying to save an expense which takes the spend over budget, a warning message will be displayed

  • This will also be reflected in the Total Spend field at the bottom of the main screen

3. Add a new expense or package

An expense is an individual charge for one service, whereas a package is a group of charges - adding a package will add multiple items to the list

Marketing expenses and packages are usually pre-configured, although the option to add a new expense is also available

From the screen shown in step 2:

  • Click New Expense or a Add Package - then see guidelines below

Add new expense

  • Click New Expense - a list of pre-configured expenses are displayed

  • Select the relevant expense, or click New, then click Accept
    If selecting an expense from the list, see Selecting a pre-configured expense section below

  • When clicking New, a blank version of the screen below is displayed

  • Enter the marketing expense details
    The options offered will change depending on the options chosen

Costs and charges should be entered as follows:

  • Cost: the net cost of the service

  • Charge to vendor: the net charge to the vendor
    This is the amount that will be used when raising the invoice (plus VAT)
    Where charges are being uplifted by the agent, this figure will be a higher value than the actual Cost noted above

  • Charge to agency: the amount that that the selling/letting agent is contributing towards the total cost; this is recorded for information and/or reporting purposes

When using Reapit Client Accounts:

  • Enter Invoicing and Nominal Code information

  • Use the Raise Invoice link (shown above) when ready - a confirmation message is displayed, click Yes to proceed
    The invoice is created and the previous Raise Invoice link allows you to View Invoice Details

  • Click Exit/Accept to close the Add Marketing Expense screen

    When selecting a pre-configured expense, the Add Marketing Expense screen will be already completed but can be edited where required

Add package

  • Click Add Package - a list of pre-configured packages are displayed

  • Select the relevant package

  • Select relevant date and click Accept

Each expense involved in the marketing pack is added to the Marketing Expenses screen:

  • Double-click to open each new entry to check/edit any details and raise invoices when required

  • Click Save before exiting the screen

4. Remove a marketing expense

Providing the marketing expense invoice has not been raised, expense items can be removed from this screen

  • Select the item to remove and press delete on your keyboard

  •  Click Yes to remove


5. Reporting

Standard and custom report options are available

  • Click Print to see the report options you have available to you

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