Safety certificate list has full grid functionality

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

From AgencyCloud 12.141+, when viewing a list of certificates from the Organiser, full grid functionality is available

From the Organiser, Property Management panel:

  • Right-click over a safety certificate entry, e.g. Gas safety certificate expiry in x days and select Full results

  • Hover over the column headings and right-click for grid options
    Options to export, autosize and convert to currency were previously available

  • New options (seen in other grids across the system) are now available here:

    • Show yes/no as image

    • Pick columns

    • Set filter as default

    • Reset to default

    • Save grid layout

      These options allow you to customise the safety certificate grids to suit your requirements

After making changes to your grid layout, to ensure the layout is saved for future use, remember to right-click the grid headings and choose Save grid layout