Store alarm details on a lettings property (carbon monoxide & smoke alarms) - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A configuration option is available which allows smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm details to be stored on a lettings property

When this configuration is in place, moving a tenancy from arranging to current will not be possible until the required smoke/carbon monoxide alarm details have been entered

When service expiry and device expiry dates are entered on alarm details, alarms which are due to be serviced/replaced are flagged on the Property Management panel of the Organiser - this allows the alarms/properties to be identified and works orders booked - works orders for alarms can be booked from the Organiser individually or in bulk

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

From version 12.170+, custom alarm types can be added to the list, click here for more information: Custom alarm types can be added - configuration option

1. Access alarm details

From Attributes screen on a lettings property:

  • Click Appliances, Insurance & Safety tab (or click Certificates in Attributes panel)

  • The alarms grid shows all alarms already added and allows new alarms to be added too, see step 2

    • Usual grid functionality can be used to sort and filter the information shown - click column heading to sort by that column, click to right of heading for filter options

Tick Current Alarms Only to only see alarms that are currently in use
Alarms marked as Removed will be hidden in this view

2. Add alarm details

From the above screen, in Alarms panel:

  • Click (on right) and complete the New Alarm details

  • Category - select Carbon Monoxide Alarm or Smoke Alarm

  • Type - options offered are dependent on configuration For example: battery, wired, remote control

  • Location - type in the location of the alarm This is a free text field

  • Checked Date - enter the date the alarm was checked Usually the tenant move-in day

  • Checked By - select one of the options:

    • Negotiator - click Select and choose an AgencyCloud user

    • Contact/Company - click Select and choose a contact/company record

    • Other - adds a text box below the field to enter the name of the relevant person/company

  • Service/Review Date - enter the date the alarm is due to be serviced/reviewed

  • Expiry Date - enter the date the alarm is due to be replaced

  • Removed - tick this box when the alarm is no longer in use in the property
    This removes the alarm from the Current Alarms Only view (see step 1) and prevents it from being flagged on the Property Management panel of the Organiser as requiring a service or expired

Completed alarm details example

3. Save and add associated documents

When all alarm details have been entered, as shown above:

  • Click Save (top right)
    Documents can now be added

  • Click and drag any associated documents over the Documents button (top left)

    • Click Yes to save
      Or click Documents, then click Add to add any associated files

4. Alarm detail shown on tenancy

A summary of the alarm details are shown on the tenancy

From tenancy Pre-Tenancy tab:

  • Hover over the Alarms link to see an overview of alarm details entered

  • Click the Alarms link to view the Appliances, Insurance & Safety tab of the property Attributes screen

5. Making a tenancy current & marking specific alarm types as except/not required

If required alarm details have not been entered, when attempting to make a tenancy current, the following prompt will be displayed:

If an alarm type is not required for current property

From property:

  • Access Attributes screen and click Appliances, Insurance & Safety tab (or click Certificates in Attributes panel)
    The screen will be shown as seen in step 1

  • In the Exceptions panel (bottom right), tick the required alarm type(s)
    Then click the cross (top right) to save and close the screen

6. Organiser Property Management panel

Alarms due to be serviced/reviewed or expire are flagged in the Organiser Property Management panel
The alarms-related alerts first need to be added to the panel via Panel Setup

Add alarms options to Organiser - Property Management panel

From Property Management panel:

  • Hover over panel header and click cog icon

  • In Pick categories to display panel, tick Alarms due to expire and Alarms service date due to expire and click tick to save (top right)

  • The options are now available in the panel

View alarms due to expire/service date due to expire in grid

From Property Management panel:

  • Right-click either option (shown above) and select Full results
    One entry per expired alarm is displayed

7. Book works orders

The grid shown above allows one or more works orders to be booked for alarms that have expired or are due to be serviced
If needing to book multiple works orders, this should only be done when the same contractor is being used for each selected works order

To book a works order:

  • Tick relevant alarm(s) and click Book Alarm Inspections

  • Enter the Contractor, Work Title, Net Cost and Account details and click Next

  • Click Yes to confirm
    One works order is created per property

  • Choose from the print/email options and click Finish

  • The selected alarms will display with green ticks to indicate that the works orders are booked

  • The newly booked works order(s) can be found on the property record (via Works button) or via the Outstanding Works Orders screen

    • Information on how the works order was booked is displayed in the Instructions panel

    • Where multiple alarm types are included in the works order, the Work Type is automatically set to Multiple

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