Property Management Analysis - Lettings MI dashboard

Property Management Analysis - Lettings MI dashboard

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The Property Management Analysis dashboard, one of the Lettings Management Information (MI) real-time dashboards available in Reapit, offers inbuilt real-time analysis of the property management data for the current month to date (as well as up to a year prior to this)

Data for the whole company and individual offices can be displayed

The dashboard includes information on current/completed works orders, suppliers with expired/no accreditation, inspections not booked/followed up, tenants/landlords in arrears, expired certificates, renewal status and void periods

Accessing the dashboard, using the date & office filters plus general tips

Access the dashboard

  • From the main menu, click Reports, click MI Analysis and select Property Management

Each panel is covered below - click a link to jump to a specific section

Choose which data to view - Office(s) or Company

  • Select Office or Company top left

  • The Office data shown will default to your own office - this can be changed via Settings

Choose which month to view

  • The current month to date will be shown by default - see top left

  • Click the drop-down menu to change the view - the last 13 months prior to the current month can be shown

Current month does not apply to the following panels - these panels always show current live data: Supplier Accreditation, Inspections Not Booked, Arrears, Certificates

General tips for using the dashboard

  • Use the Settings section to change how data is shown

  • Hover over charts & statistics to see a tooltip which displays more information about the figure

  • Click on a blank area of a panel to see the data behind the chart or statistic in a grid
    Click on a section of a chart to see the data for just that area

  • When viewing the data in a grid, use grid functions to sort the data and export to Excel
    See the Data grids section for more information

Works Orders 

The Works Orders panel has three options for displaying data, with works orders arranged by type - use the icons shown in the top right of the panel to change the view

New Works Orders

  • Works orders created / registered on Reapit within the selected month are displayed


Hovering over the chart area gives more information in a tooltip, clicking the chart shows a data grid
See General tips for using the dashboard section above for more information

Completed Works Orders

  • Works orders where the Status was changed to Completed within the selected month are displayed



Average Days To Completion

  • Shows, by works order type, the average number of days taken from the works order being registered on Reapit to being logged as Completed


Cancelled works orders are not counted in the above statistics - other works order types can be excluded from being counted - see Settings section for more information

Supplier Accreditation

The Supplier Accreditation panel shows a snapshot of current live data, i.e. it is not related to the selected month

Suppliers with expired or no accreditation

  • Flags suppliers who currently have an expired or no accreditation record in Reapit

Open works orders with expired accreditation

  • Flags where suppliers logged as a Contractor on a works order have an expired accreditation record in Reapit

All Supplier Accreditations are included in these statistics - this can be changed via Settings to only include a selection of accreditation types (e.g. Public Liability), plus the ability to see suppliers with no accreditation record can be enabled/disabled - see Settings section for more information


The Inspections panel has two options for displaying data, to display followed up inspections and inspections due but not booked - use the icons shown in the top right of the panel to change the view

  • Shows, out of the total number of inspections scheduled in the selected month, how many have been followed up

  • In this example, from the 25 inspections scheduled this month, just two need to be followed up

When using functionality which allows draft/final reports to be stored against property inspections (as outlined here), these will be flagged in the Inspections chart

  • Shows a snapshot of current live data
    i.e. it is not related to the selected month

  • Shows details of managed properties with a current tenancy that have an inspection date in the past and no new inspection appointment booked

When clicking on a panel/chart to view inspection report information in a grid, the negotiator names shown will be the Property Managers - this can be changed to use the negotiators from the inspection report diary entry instead - see Settings section for more information


The Arrears panel has three options for displaying data - use the icons shown in the top right of the panel to change the view from All Tenancy Arrears, Tenancy Rent Arrears or Landlord Arrears

It shows a snapshot of current live data, i.e. it is not related to the selected month

All Tenancy Arrears

  • Indicates the ratio of tenancies currently in arrears within the whole portfolio

  • This is based on the total number of managed tenancy / rent collection properties to the total number in arrears

Only Rent Arrears

  • As above but filtered to only consider rent arrears
    i.e. non-rent arrears are not counted

Landlord Arrears

  • Total number of landlords in arrears are displayed

  • The value of the landlord arrears is also shown

Tenancies not chased

  • Total number of tenancies in arrears that haven’t been chased for 7+ days is shown at the bottom of the panel

  • A chased tenancy is based on the last arrears letter sent date (indicated in tooltip)

  • The number of days can be changed - see Settings section for more information


The Certificates panel has two options for displaying data - use the icons shown in the top right of the panel to change the view from Expired Certificates to No Certificates

It shows a snapshot of current live data, i.e. it is not related to the selected month

Expired Certificates

  • Indicates, by certificate type, properties that currently have expired certificates

  • Red, amber and green colour coding is used to indicate the amount of certificates that need to be attended to


No Certificates

  • Indicates, by certificate type, properties that do not have a certificate

  • Red, amber and green colour coding is used to indicate the amount of certificates that need to be attended to


All certificates are included in these statistics, this can be changed to only include a selection of certificate types (e.g. Gas Safety), plus the property status and/or property role types being included in these statistics can also be changed - see Settings section for more information

Renewal Negotiations

  • Shows the current status of each renewal negotiation that was started in the selected month

Void Periods

The Void Periods panel has two options for displaying data - use the icon shown in the top right of the panel to change the view from Void Periods for the selected month to Void Periods YTD (Year to Date)

Void Periods

  • Highlights the number of periods in the selected month where properties were without a current tenancy, including how many days on average this was for, what the average lost rent and fee was, plus the estimated total of fees lost due to the void periods

Void Periods Year To Date

  • Highlights, for the year to date, the total number of void periods, the average length in days for these periods and the estimated fees lost (using management fees and market rent)

Managed tenancy and Rent collection property roles are used for the above statistics - either can be excluded and/or other role types included - see Settings section for more information


The Settings options allow you to choose how data is displayed on your dashboard

Changes made to Settings apply to the user who made them, therefore allowing you to customise your dashboard to match your priorities

Accessing Settings

  • Click cog icon (top right of dashboard)

    See next step for all available options

Settings options

All Settings options are shown below across three screens

Office scope includes

  • Default is to show just your office

  • Use the drop down menu to change this and/or select other offices

Void Periods

  • Property Role

    • This setting ensures that properties with the role of Managed tenancy and Rent collection will be used for the void period statistics

    • Use the drop-down list to include any other roles

  • Void property status includes

    • Void period statistics will be shown for the listed property types - further types can be added from the drop-down menu or types removed

Chart colour settings

Applies to the pie charts (e.g. Works Orders)

  • Default is set to Multi-coloured charts

  • Can change to Single-coloured charts which requires the colour to be selected
    (to right of option)


  • Not chased Rent Arrears period

    • Period in days used to flag the total number of tenancies shown as overdue in the Tenancy Arrears panel

    • Default is 7 days

  • Arrears property role includes

    • Arrears statistics will be shown for the listed property roles - further roles can be added from the drop-down menu or roles removed

Works Orders - works order status excludes

  • This setting ensures that works orders with the status of Cancelled will not be included in the works order statistics by default

  • Use the drop-down list to exclude any other status options

Other Reports - use negotiator from diary entry on drill down grid for inspection report

Applies when viewing inspection report data in a grid

  • When ticked, the negotiator from the inspection report diary entry will be used

  • When not ticked, the Property Manager will be used (default setting)

Expired Certificates

  • Certificate types to include

    • Default is for this field to be blank - this means all certificate types are shown in the Certificates panel

    • Entering specific certificate types here will
      narrow down what is shown in the panel

  • Show certificates for properties with role

    • Default is for this field to be set to Managed tenancy meaning that certificate information will be shown for managed tenancies only

    • Further roles can be added from the drop-down menu or roles can be removed

  • Show certificates for properties of status

    • Certificates will be shown for the listed property types - further types can be added from the drop-down menu or types removed

Statistics to show

  • Each tick box allows individual panels, or individual charts within a panel, to be removed

  • Default setting is to display all panels and all statistic types

Supplier Accreditation

  • Accreditation types to include

    • Default is this field to be blank - meaning all accreditation types are included in the Supplier Accreditation panel

    • Entering specific accreditation types here will narrow down what is shown in the panel

  • Include suppliers with no accreditation

    • Tick to include suppliers with no accreditation details entered in Reapit


  • Puts all settings in this screen back to their default settings

Data grids

Viewing data grids

Data grids are available to allow you to drill down to view the data behind the chart/statistic

  • Click on a blank area of a panel to see the data behind the whole chart/statistic in that panel

  • Click on a section of a chart to see the data for just that area

    See example in next section

Data grid features

  • The data behind a chart/statistic clicked is shown in a grid
    The example below is shown when clicking the Arrears panel

  • Click the column headings to sort by that column (ascending/descending)

  • Click Export to export the data shown to an Excel spreadsheet

  • Click a figure in the grid to see the associated records
    In this example, when clicking a figure in the Tenancies in arrears column, the related data is shown in the Arrears screen

Show Data Bars

  • Ticking Show Data Bars displays coloured bars that represent each figure in the grid based on its ratio with the percentage of the total figure

  • Click % of Total drop-down menu to change this to show a percentage of the Maximum (Max) figure or show a percentage of the Parent figure (e.g. for a negotiator, the parent value is the office)

  • The shading width and colour differs to indicate the % share of the overall total of that figure - green shading indicates the figure being in the top third of the overall figure, yellow indicates the middle third and red the bottom third

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