Add joint landlord

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to add a joint landlord to a lettings property

1. Access property & landlord record

From relevant property record:

  • Click Landlord name

  • From the Joint Landlords panel, click

2. Search contacts/companies for joint landlord

The contact search screen will be automatically displayed

  • Individuals are searched by default (click Companies if landlord is a company)

  • Enter search text (such as Surname) and press enter on keyboard

  • Double-click when found, or click Add (top left) to add a new contact/company record
    The Landlord Financial Details screen is displayed for the joint landlord with details from their contact/company record already added

3. Enter joint landlord financial details

From Landlord Financial Details:

  • In Joint Landlord panel, enter Ownership percentage

  • Check contact details on left are correct and update where required
    This will automatically update their contact/company record

  • Ensure Accounts Details and Non-Resident Landlord details are entered correctly

  • Click Accept

4. Update percentage ownership on main landlord

Ensure the percentage ownership on the main landlord is updated correctly
Where the total ownership needs updating, it will be flagged on the Joint Landlords panel in red

Access main Landlord Financial Details:

  • In Financial panel, click edit (pencil) icon

  • In Main Landlord panel, enter Ownership percentage and click Accept

5. Joint landlord added & ownership updated

Ownership details will now show correctly in the Financial and Joint Landlord panels

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