Show unposted fees on tenancy income report

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.186

Tenancy income report functionality is a configurable option for Enterprise customers
To request this option to be enabled on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support

When running a Tenancy Income & Forecast report, unposted tenancy fees are now shown on the tenancy income report within the pipeline income figures

By taking into account unposted tenancy fees, this update gives a better reflection of pipeline income when analysing the report

1. Choose report criteria

From the main menu:

  • Click Reports then select MI Analysis and click Tenancy Income Report

  • Select the report type of Tenancy Income & Forecast, add required criteria and click Report

    TIR criteria.png

2. Unposted fees shown on report

The report will open in Microsoft Excel

  • The PivotTable tab displays a row within Pipeline Income Type showing Unposted Fee totals
    If there are no unposted fees for the reporting period selected, this row will not be displayed

    TIR report - pivot table.png
  • The Income Report tab includes an Unposted Fee category within the FeeCategory column as well as other categories such as Letting Fee, Management Fee, Additional Agent Fee etc.