Create a new appointment/viewing in Reapit Go

Create a new appointment/viewing in Reapit Go

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

An appointment can be created in Reapit Go from the homepage or the diary

Just basic details are required in order to quickly create the appointment then, once the appointment is booked, an email confirmation can be sent and full appointment details can be accessed, providing access to further functions

This guide covers (click a link to skip to a specific section):

Create appointment/viewing from homepage or diary

An appointment/viewing can be created from the Reapit Go homepage or diary

1. Create appointment from homepage

On appointments section of the homepage:

  • Beside Appointments, tap blue plus icon (+)

    Home page - create appointment button.png
  • The Create Appointment screen is displayed
    See next section below: Create a new appointment/viewing in Reapit Go | Enter basic appointment/viewing detail

    Home page - create appointment screen.png

2. Create appointment from diary (from any view)

From navigation bar:

  • Tap Diary

  • From any diary view (i.e. day, schedule/agenda), tap blue plus icon (+) bottom right

  • Tap New Appointment or New Viewing
    This determines the appointment type selected on the next screen (which can be changed)

  • The Create Appointment screen is displayed with the appointment type set to Appointment or Viewing, in accordance with the option chosen above
    See next section below: Create a new appointment/viewing in Reapit Go | Enter basic appointment/viewing detail

3. Create appointment from diary in schedule/agenda view

From navigation bar:

Enter basic appointment/viewing detail

The Create Appointment screen allows the basics of an appointment/viewing to be entered

The appointment booking process is streamlined to provide the ability to create an appointment quickly, as only the key fields need to completed in order to create a new appointment

An option to complete further details is available once the appointment is booked, as well as access other features such as sending a booking confirmation email

1. Set appointment owner & appointment type

From Create Appointment screen:

  • Appointment Owner - should display the name of the user whose diary this appointment is for

    • The logged in user name is displayed unless the appointment was created from the schedule/agenda view by tapping into the empty space of another user’s diary

    • If the appointment is for a colleague, tap to change the user name

  • Appointment type - options offered correspond to the appointment options seen on the Reapit CRM desktop product

    • Tap the drop-down menu to choose the required appointment type

    • Depending on where the appointment was created from, Appointment or Viewing may already be selected (but can be changed if required)

2. Select property for appointment (or skip adding a property)

Where a property record is to be associated with the appointment:

  • Tap into the Select property field to search for the property record

    • If the property is a lettings property, tap Lettings first

    • If a property record is not needed, tap Skip

  • Search using the first line of the property address or postcode

    • The search is carried out automatically as you type

    • Matching properties are shown below

  • Tap the required property to select it

    • The property is shown in step 2 (and step 3 is now available)

    • Click the arrow top right to view details of any upcoming appointments for the property
      To remove the property from the appointment, click x icon beside this

3. Select appointment attendee (where applicable)

When a Market Appraisal appointment is being added, or any other appointment where an attendee is not required, this step is not offered

Where an attendee needs to be added to the appointment:
(i.e. an applicant, landlord, tenancy or contact)

  • Tap into the Select attendee field to search for the required record

    • Select the attendee type and marketing mode first - e.g. Applicant and Lettings

    • If an attendee is not needed, tap Skip

  • Search using the attendee surname (or first name and surname) or use contact details, such as their email address or phone number

    • The search is carried out automatically as you type

    • Matching records are shown below

  • Tap the required record to select it

    • The attendee is shown in step 3 (and step 4 is now available)

    • Click the arrow top right to view details of any upcoming appointments for the attendee
      To remove the attendee from the appointment, click x icon beside this

4. Set appointment date/time & check diary

At bottom of screen:

  • In Date field, tap calendar icon to the right and select the relevant date for the appointment

  • In From field, tap clock icon and select appointment start time

  • In the Duration field, select the relevant option - i.e. 15, 30, 45 minutes or 1 hour
    Entering a duration is a shortcut to having to scroll to set the end time
    Selecting the duration auto-populates the End time, see next step

  • To check the diary for availability, click Show diary drop down menu

    • The diary of the user who the appointment is being assigned to is shown (for the selected day/time)

    • Any appointments/viewings already booked at this time are shown

    • Where a conflict is present, the appointment From/To date can be changed accordingly

5. Create appointment

When steps 1 - 4 are complete:

  • Tap Create Appointment

Appointment booked - available features/functions within Reapit Go

When an appointment has been created in Reapit Go the details are confirmed on screen which includes:

  • Whether the appointment is confirmed, the appointment type and if it is accompanied

    • To make any changes to any of this information, the full appointment details need to be accessed via the Details button
      For more information on the full appointment details screen, click here:
      View full appointment details in Reapit Go

  • Information on the appointment is shown which includes:

    • details of all involved parties

    • links to property/attendee records

    • the key number and viewing arrangements for the property

    • contact information for the main contacts involved

      • tapping a number allows it to be dialled or a WhatsApp or SMS/text message to be sent

      • an appointment reminder can be sent to either attendee via WhatsApp or SMS/text message

      • any sent messages can be logged in the journal of the relevant party

Create another appointment

  • Provides a shortcut to create a new appointment - after tapping the button, the current screen is closed and a new Create Appointment screen opened

Booking Confirmation

  • Generates an email confirmation message for the appointment, see next section

Email booking confirmation

After creating an appointment in Reapit Go, a booking confirmation email can be generated

From screen shown above:

  • Tap Booking Confirmation

  • An email will be generated addressed to the relevant parties

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