Change, promote or swap vendors

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to change the current vendor(s) of a property - the process outlined below applies when needing to promote or swap any of the current vendors and also if needing to add new vendor name(s) to the record

In the example below, the Second Vendor needs to become the Primary Vendor and the Primary Vendor needs to become the Second Vendor

1. Access contacts search screen from vendor screen

From the vendor screen on the property record:

  • In the Primary Vendor panel, click Individual (top left) - the search contacts screen is displayed

2. Search for primary vendor & promote

From the search contacts screen:

  • Search for the vendor's contact record and double-click when found

  • This prompt is displayed, click Yes

  • This prompt is displayed, click Yes

3. Primary vendor changed

The vendor screen is updated with the changes made