Offers - adding, updating, rejecting & withdrawing

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant all regions

This article outlines how to deal with offers on a sales property - it covers (click a link to skip to a section):

Add an offer

1. Add offer from applicant record

From the applicant record:

  • Click Offers (top left) then, from the Select Offer screen, click Add Offer
    The Search Properties box will be displayed - double-click the property when found

2. Add new offer details

  • Leave Offer selected and click Next

  • Enter offer Amount, ensure the Negotiator name is correct and click Finish

3. New offer details in offers screen

The property screen will be displayed with the Offers screen open on top, with the offer just added displayed & selected

  • Offer Status is Offer Pending until changed (using option in panel bottom left)
    Offer status can be pending, accepted, rejected or withdrawn

  • Property Status will stay as For Sale - Available until the offer status changes to Accepted

  • Click Save (top right) on the Offers screen

Reject an offer

From the property record:

  • Click Offers (top left) and select the correct offer

  • Click the link beside Status and choose Rejected

  • Click Save (top right) on the Offers screen

All offers, including changes, are logged in the property & applicant Journal and are also shown in the Activity Feed

Enter an increased offer (from an applicant who has already offered)

When an applicant submits a second offer, the following process must be followed in order for offers to be logged correctly

From the property record:

  • Click Offers (top left) & select the correct offer in the list

  • In the panel bottom left:

    • Amount: add the new offer amount

    • Date: change the date of the new offer (where different)

    • Click the link beside Status and choose Pending

    • Click Save on the Offers screen

Withdraw an offer

From the property record:

  • Click Offers (top left) & select the correct offer in the list

In the panel bottom left:

  • Click the link beside Status and choose Withdrawn

  • Enter the reason for the offer being withdrawn and click Accept

  • Click Save on the Offers screen

Accept an offer

From the property record:

  • Click Offers (top left) & select the correct offer in the list

In the panel bottom left:

  • Click the link beside Status and choose Accepted

  • Choose whether to mark the applicant as inactive

  • Click Save on the Offers screen

Property status change (to Under Offer/SSTC)

  • When marking an offer as accepted, the Property Status (shown top left) will become
    Under Offer / SSTC - Available

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