Add a lettings offer & the tenancy screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This article outlines how to add and accept an offer on a lettings property, tenancy status, the tenancy screen & adding tenancy notes

1. Add offer

From the applicant record:

  • Click Tenancy (top left) and click Add
    Work through the Tenancy Details wizard (shown right)

  • In step 1, select New offer and click Next

  • In step 2, click Next to select property
    The Search Properties box will be displayed - double-click the property when found

  • In step 3, check details shown and enter offer Amount

  • Click Finish


2. Tenancy screen

A new tenancy screen will be displayed, this screen is used to store all activity from the start to the end of the tenancy

  • The tenancy Status is displayed at the top of the middle panel and will be Pending Offer until this changes
    Options to withdraw, reject or accept are available by clicking the status - see step 3


3. Accepting an offer

If the landlord has accepted the offer

  • Click Status and select Offer accepted

    The tenancy status will change to Arranging Tenancy - plus a note of this is automatically added to the Activity Feed


If the offer is rejected by the landlord

  • Click Status and select Rejected by landlord

  • If the applicant wishes to re-offer, repeat step 1 for the new offer


4. Add journal entry, tasks & call reminders

Once added, journal entries (or Tenancy Notes) cannot be deleted, therefore providing a reliable audit trail

From the Activity Feed on right:

  • Click  icon and select Create journal entry

  • Enter the Tenancy Note and click Accept

    The note will be automatically shown in the Activity Feed along with who added it & when


Tasks and call reminders can also be created from this panel

From the Activity Feed on right:


5. Tenancy screen

On the Details tab, check details are correct, such as Type, Role, Tenancy start and Tenancy end dates

On the Financial & Renewals tab, check details are correct, such as Deposit details and Letting & Management fee details


6. Property record

The Applicant name is shown on the property record (and will be displayed as the Tenant once the tenancy status is Current) plus the property Status is now Arranging Tenancy - Available

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