Understanding the unallocated column

Understanding the unallocated column

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page explains how to identify available funds and outstanding charges using the unallocated column on the transaction screen

1. Identify available funds or outstanding invoices

From a landlord or tenant account, click Transactions:

To identify available funds:

  • A Credit transaction is money coming into the account

  • An amount in the unallocated column is the amount of available funds that have not yet been used to pay invoices

  • If the unallocated column is blank, there is no money available

To identify outstanding charges:

  • A Debit transaction is a charge to the account to be paid

  • The amount in the unallocated column represents the outstanding amount of the charge

  • If the unallocated column is blank, there is nothing left to pay

2. Viewing available funds or outstanding charges from the landlord account

The example on the right shows (from top to bottom):

  1. $29.92 still left to pay from the original amount of $47.52 due for management fees

  2. $200 rent received with no funds available

  3. A payment to the landlord

  4. $340 available rent

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