Track viewing & market appraisal 'no shows'

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.171

A viewing and a market appraisal/valuation* appointment has the facility to mark attendance as ‘no show’ or ‘attended’

This allows reports to be run to track the number appointments that were/were not attended

1. Attendance field on viewing or market appraisal

From viewing or market appraisal appointment:

  • An Attendance field is available and set to Not Set

2. Mark viewing/market appraisal as attended or as a ‘no show’

From viewing or market appraisal appointment:

  • Click Attendance drop-down menu and select Attended or No Show, as appropriate

The appointment will still need to be marked as Followed Up and follow up notes should be added to the notes field (or a relevant follow up entry selected)

3. Journal view

From the applicant/property journal - select the viewing or market appraisal:

  • Attendance on right indicates whether the viewing was Attended or a No Show
    Plus no show viewings/MAs are indicated on main journal view as (No Show)

4. Report on viewing/MA attendance

Click Power Reports:

  • Select Diary report type
    Or add a report sub-category of Appointments to another report type (e.g. property report)

  • Select Attendance

  • Choose which attendance options to report on

Example report
The example below will return details of all viewings for the London office that had a viewing due to take place last week but the applicant did not show

View attendance in diary report grids & diary organiser grids

From a report or organiser grid:

  • Right-click over the column headings, select Pick columns and click More

  • Select Attendance and click Accept

  • The new column is added to the far right side of the grid - click and drag the column heading to the desired position

  • Right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout

  • The column will show when using this type of grid again - grid functions can be used to sort, group or filter the list

    • To sort the list, click the column heading

    • To group or filter the list, click to the right of the column heading to view filter icon (shown below), click icon and select required option(s) to filter by or click Group by Attendance

*terminology used is dependent on configuration - for the purposes of this guide, market appraisal will be used

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