Update to Sales Daily Report to show number of matches & details sent information

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.171

The Sales Daily Report contains information on the number of matches carried out and details sent

1. Accessing the report

From main menu:

  • Click Reports and select Sales Daily Report

  • Two new columns are available to the far right of the report

    • Matches shows how many match activities have been carried out in the selected day and month by office and negotiator/user - these counts include where there has been journal entries for matches, hand matches, details sent and brochures sent

    • Details Sent shows how many details have been sent out in the selected day and month by office and negotiator/user - these counts only include the details sent journal entry

From version 12.171-12.184, the new columns shown above just display the counts

From version 12.185+, the counts can be clicked to see the data behind it, as outlined here:

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