Data Accuracy Analysis MI Analysis dashboard
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
The Data Accuracy Analysis dashboard, one of the Management Information (MI) real-time dashboards available in Reapit, focuses on the accuracy of applicant and property data entered in your database. It is a great tool for ensuring that your users are entering /updating data accurately.
This real-time dashboard will help you to easily pinpoint problem areas in your data and take quick action, resulting in a more reliable database, long term
Reapit is feature-rich for contact management and reporting tools, both of which require a reliable database to ensure a reliable output
Accessing the dashboard & using the office filters plus general tips
Access the dashboard
Each panel is covered below - click a link to jump to a specific section Choose which data to view - Office(s) or Company
The default is for the data to show information as it currently stands - this can be changed via Settings (ticking Apply date filter to reports adds a drop-down menu to the top of the dashboard allowing a specific month within the last year to be selected) General tips for using the dashboard
Applicant Registration & Applicant Registration Data Quality
Applicant Registration Applicant Registration quality - as a percentage
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Applicant Registration Data Quality Applicant Registration quality - broken down by data type
Applicant Management & Applicant Management Data Quality
Applicant Management Applicant Management quality - as a percentage
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Applicant Management Data Quality Applicant Management quality - broken down by type
How often contact is required and what is classed as ‘contact’ can be changed - see Settings section for more information
Property Registration & Property Registration Data Quality
Property Registration Property Registration quality - as a percentage
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Property Registration Data Quality Property Registration quality - broken down by data type
Property Management & Property Management Data Quality
Property Management Property Management quality - as a percentage
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Property Management Data Quality Property Management quality - broken down by type
Accessing Settings
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Settings options All Settings options are shown below Office scope includes
Apply date filter to reports
Include inactive applicants
Choose property sale status…
Management reports settings
Registration reports settings
Each percentage chart on the dashboard can be altered so that the more important statistics can be more heavily weighted when the weighted average is calculated. For example, if users are missing recording applicant requirements but are highly competent at recording their contact details, the Settings screen could be used to change the statistical weightings, so that completing applicant requirements is weighted more heavily than other statistics. The numbers shown in the field weights sections above are the score each field is currently being given; the default being 10, which equates to very high. The lower the number assigned, the less priority is given to that field; to discount it altogether, 0 can be entered. For this example, the Requirements field setting should remain at 10, with other fields being downgraded, as appropriate: Using default weightings When each field is weighted equally (with each field set to the default of 10), the Applicant Registration metric is at 91% and the weighted averages are calculated, as below Changing field weightings When the field weightings are changed (as shown above), giving high priority to Requirements and lower priority to all other fields, the metric is at 78% and the weighted averages as below; using a weighted average calculation reflects in the overall percentage to encourage negotiators to improve performance of the targeted metric |
Data grids
Viewing data grids Data grids are available to allow you to drill down to view the data behind the chart/statistic
Data grid features
Show data bars
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