Accessing the Sales Daily Report

Accessing the Sales Daily Report

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The Sales Daily Report provides an instant overview of how your organisation is performing - the grid based view makes it easy to drill into the detail of where your business is excelling or struggling

The Sales Daily Report is perfect for morning meetings, enabling branch managers to see what happened yesterday and focus their team on the areas they must improve on for the day ahead

Figures include: market appraisals, viewings, new offers, price reductions, instructions, withdrawals, SSTC, fall throughs, accepted offers, pipeline, current stock - plus the number of new applicants/contacts registered, and matches and details/brochures sent out are included

1. Accessing the report

From main menu:

  • Click Reports and select Sales Daily Report

2. What's included in the statistics?

  • Report on one/more offices or company:
    the report can show data for just your office or, depending on security settings in place, other office/company data may also be shown

  • Date filters
    Use the Day/Week and Month filters to change the data shown

  • Day data
    The columns showing Day data will automatically show information for the current day if viewing the screen after midday; when viewing before midday, the data automatically shown will be for the previous day

  • Month data
    The columns showing Month data will show information for the current month if viewing the screen after the 7th of the month; if viewing the screen on or before the 7th day, the data automatically shown will be for the previous month

3. Accessing statistic detail 

  • Clicking any figure within the report allows you to drill down to view the data behind it

  • A cross is also displayed which allows the column to be hidden

  • The Hidden columns option (top left) allows hidden columns to be quickly reinstated plus new columns to be added

4. Accessing statistic data

  • Clicking any figure within the report displays the related data
    For example, clicking on VW Month for the Bedford office displays this grid

Export & data bars functions


  • Clicking Export pulls the data from the table into an Excel spreadsheet

Data Bars

  • Ticking Show Data Bars displays coloured bars that represent each figure based on its ratio with the percentage of the Total figure

  • This can be changed to show a percentage of the Maximum (Max) figure or to be a percentage of the Parent figure (e.g. for a negotiator, the parent value is the office)

  • The shading width and colour differs to indicate the % share of the overall total of that figure; green shading indicates the figure being in the top third of the overall figure, yellow indicates the middle third and red the bottom third
    For Withdrawals and Fall Throughs, green shading is used for values falling within the bottom third and red for values falling within the top third

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