Produce Memorandum of Sale (MOS)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to produce a Memorandum of Sale (MOS) document and how to email to all involved parties

1. Access MOS screen

From the property Offers screen:

  • Select the accepted offer

  • From Options panel (bottom right), click Memorandum of sale

2. Enter MOS details

The details entered here will be used for the MOS document (see step 4)

Enter the details, such as:

  • Items to be included

  • Items to be Excluded

  • Special Conditions and remarks

  • Exchange of Contract expected and Completion expected dates


3. Enter/check solicitor details

The vendor & buyer solicitor details should be added to the offers screen

From the Offers screen:

  • Select the accepted offer

  • Beside Vendor Solicitor click Select and search for the required solicitor, double-click when found
    Or add new, if not found

  • From the solicitor record, in the Staff panel, select the solicitor dealing with this transaction
    Or add their details, then select their record

  • Click tick (top right) to save
    Repeat the above for the Applicant Solicitor

The selected solicitor name will be shown on the Offers screen:

  • Hover over the name to show selected solicitor name & contact details

4. Produce MOS document

MOS templates are usually available, company requirements will dictate what is included/layout

From the property Offers screen:

  • Select the accepted offer and click Letters (top right)

  • The Letter Generator screen will be displayed, double-click the required template

The MOS document will be displayed in Word:

  • Click Save (in Word)

  • Save options are displayed - leave set to Save document in property letters folder and click Accept

  • You will be prompted to convert to PDF
    If the document is to be emailed, click Yes

  • Enter a File name for the document and click Save

The document will now be available in the Existing letters and files section of the Letters screen
See next step

5. Email MOS document

From the property Offers screen:

  • Click Letters (top right)

  • Right-click over the document and select Attach to e-mail

6. Further shortcut options

From the property Offers screen:

  • Right-click over Letters (top right) for shortcut options to email the involved parties

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