Expected completion & exchange fields as dates - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Where configured, the expected exchange and completion dates in the Memorandum of Sale screen can be changed from text fields to date fields

Choosing to configure your system this way, means that date formats are formalised - this ensures data entry uniformity which, in turn, will assist future reporting, as outlined below

Please note, this configuration change can have an impact on data that is currently entered in those fields.

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support 

1. Memorandum of Sale screen

From the property Offers screen:

  • In the Options panel (shown in step 2), click Memorandum of sale

  • The following two fields are displayed as dates (not text boxes):

    • Exchange of Contract expected

    • Completion expected


2. Offers screen

From the property Offers screen:

  • Exchange Due is also displayed in date format (rather than as a text box)

Exchange of Contract expected (as shown in step 1) is pulled through to the Exchange Due field and vice versa

3. Reporting

When using date fields for Expected Completion and Expected Exchange dates, you can use these fields for reporting via:

Offers and Pipeline Reports

  • Click Reports, select MI Analysis and click Offers and Pipeline Reports

  • Expected exchange and Expected completion fields are available as criteria options

Power Reports

  • Click Reports, select Power Report and select an Offer Report type

  • Expected exchange and Expected completion fields are available as criteria options

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