Creating a tenant statement

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Process to follow to create a tenant statement

1. Access tenancy transactions

From the tenancy screen, Accounts Functions panel:

  • Click View Transactions

  • Click the Date column heading to sort the transactions from oldest to newest

2. Remove deposit

If the agent is also holding the tenant deposit, the total held should be excluded to show the true arrears balance

  • Click the Type column

  • Click Select all then click Deposit Held to remove the deposit from view

3. Produce statement

The statement can be exported to Excel and/or a PDF created

  • Click Print

  • Select Print Statement
    Option to preview is offered

    A PDF statement is produced which shows all transactions on the account and the current balance

4. PDF statement example

Use the Save option (top right) to save the file locally, as required

The statement contains the following information:

  • Date: date of the invoice or the date the tenancy was received into the bank

  • Description: description of the transaction, for example: rent and the period it relates to

  • Debit: debit on account, for example: a rent demand/fee invoice due by the tenant or a tenant refund

  • Credit: payments received from the tenant or credit notes

  • Unallocated: rent outstanding or payments that have been received on the tenant but have been left on account

  • Balance: running total

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