Preferred suppliers shown on bulk works orders screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When your system is set up to be able to book works orders in bulk, preferred suppliers are displayed in the list of works orders to be booked

This will assist with processing all orders for a particular supplier - as the list can now be filtered or grouped using the options seen when clicking the Preferred Supplier column heading

From the list of works orders to be booked:

  • The Preferred Supplier column displays where suppliers have been specified (comma separated)

Preferred Suppliers are set-up on the Landlord Financial Details screen

From the landlord record, in the Financial panel:

- Click the edit icon (pencil) to access the Landlord Financial Details screen

- In the Preferred suppliers panel, click  to add suppliers for the selected landlord

For more information on how to book works orders in bulk, see step 6 of this guide

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