Bank statement analysis - locate a receipt/payment

Bank statement analysis - locate a receipt/payment

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Bank statement analysis is a depiction of the actual bank statement from the bank - if you are unable to locate a receipt or payment made via the system, the Bank Statement Analysis report can be used to trace it

The bank statement analysis represents imported client account bank statements - on any given date, this report must precisely match the actual bank statement

For any reconciliation issues, this report should be used to compare with the actual bank statement to spot any inconsistencies between the two

1. Access bank statement analysis report

From main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals

  • Under Reporting & Analysis select Bank Statement Analysis

2. Bank statement analysis screen

To locate the receipt/payment:

  • Use the Date & Amount fields plus the Money In/Out filters at the bottom of the screen
    The screen will automatically refresh as changes are made to the filters

  • To view the record the receipt/payment has been allocated to, right-click over the relevant transaction and click Show tenancy / landlord / property

    Bank Statement Analysis screen with right-click menu.png

The screen shown above is in use from version 12.183
Prior to this release, the following screen can be seen

As outlined above, to locate the receipt/payment:

  • Use the Date & Amount fields plus the Money In/Out filters at the bottom of the screen

  • Click Search to update the screen

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