Previously paid rent credited in error - how to fix

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to fix the issue where previously paid rent has been credited in error

1. Credit on tenant & landlord ledgers

If previously paid rent has been credited in error it will be shown on the tenant & landlord ledgers

From tenancy transactions:

  • A cash credit will be displayed

The amount credited back to the tenant will also show on the landlord ledger as a chargeback, this is in order to repay the amount borrowed from the client account initially, which was used to provide the tenant with the immediate refund

From landlord transactions:

To correct the amount over-credited and recover the funds back to the client account - whether full or partial - a one-off tenant to landlord fee must be raised to return the amount to the landlord’s account where the charge has been placed

2. Raise one-off tenant fee

From tenancy:

  • In the Accounts Functions panel, expand Invoicing and select Invoice tenant to pay landlord

  • Complete the required Amount, Description and any other details, click Accept

  • A confirmation prompt will be displayed, click Yes to continue

3. Allocate the incorrect funds

To complete the move back to the landlord ledger, allocate the incorrect funds to the tenant fee

From tenancy:

  • In the Accounts Functions panel, expand Receipts and select Allocate/Branch Receipts


  • Once allocated, the credited rent is removed and returned to the landlord ledger - this will create a nil payment on both ledgers to clear

Tenant ledger

Landlord ledger