Import a bank statement
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
This article explains how to import your bank statement so that you can match the bank receipts
1. Download your bank statement
If your bank statement can be imported by the API skip this step |
2. Import the statement Click Lettings/Rentals on main menu:
3. Matching the bank receipts
It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure the receipts have been matched correctly |
4. Clearing an incorrect match
5. Other types of receipts Sometimes you may receive money from another party - the different types are outlined below Landlord receipts If the receipt is from a landlord:
Company receipts If the receipt is from a supplier:
Unknown receipts If you are not sure who the funds belong to:
6. Posting the receipts
Any receipts left un-ticked will not be able to be reconciled |
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