Maximum length of address line 1 & area name increased

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.170

The maximum length of address line 1 and area name has been increased from 35 characters to 50

Where names/addresses are more than 35 characters long, this enhancement allows full details of a property address and/or area to be entered

First line of property address

When entering the first line of a property address on any address field on the system, up to 50 characters can be entered

The example shown below uses the applicant record, although this update applies to any role screen that contains an address (i.e. property, contact, tenancy etc.)

Property area

Property area names can now be up to 50 characters long

  • Click your name/office at the top of the main menu

  • Click Configuration and select Setup Areas

  • Click Add or double-click an existing area to edit (as shown below)

The area setup screen is one of several configuration areas where access can be given to authorised users - for more information on using this screen, see this guide:

For more information on other areas where access can be given to authorised users, see this page:

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