Assign users to client accounts security groups via setup negotiators screen

Assign users to client accounts security groups via setup negotiators screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.174

If you are set-up to carry out user management (self service) - the setup negotiators screen can be used to assign a user to security groups

Two default Client Accounts security groups can be added, which are:

  • Lettings - Accounts users

  • Lettings - Management users

Prior to this release, being able to assign a user to the above two security groups was only available by submitting a request to Reapit Support

The setup negotiators screen is one of several configuration areas on the system where access can be given to authorised users - for more information on using this screen, see this guide:
Add a new user, remove a user and transfer data between users

For more information on further configuration areas where access can be given to authorised users, see this page: Self-service configuration options

1. Access setup negotiators screen

From the main menu:

  • Click your name/office (top left)

  • Click Configuration and select Setup Negotiators
    The Negotiator and User Setup screen is displayed

2. Add negotiators to Lettings - Accounts users & Lettings - Management users security groups

From the screen above:

  • Select required user on left and select Advanced tab (top right)

  • Under Security Group(s) field, click Add negotiator to group

  • Tick required groups and click Select
    These groups are managed via security configuration, accessible by Reapit Support

  • The Security Group(s) field shows the group(s) the user has been added to

Adding a user to a security group provides them with specific features and functions applicable to their role

3. Remove security group from a user

From screen shown above:

  • Select security group to remove and press delete (on your keyboard)

  • Click Yes to confirm

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